Chapter 10


“If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God…”   Revelation 14:9.10.

Probably the most intriguing part of the prophecy is the ‘mark of the beast’;  it is also the most misunderstood.  Many people confuse the mark with the number, but they are distinct and separate.

In consideration of the mark, it is important to remember that both politics and religion are involved.  Too many only think of the political intrigue relating to the literal identification, but to do this, is to miss completely the ‘spiritual’ implication of ‘worshipping’ the beast.

The political aspect can only be achieved through surveillance and a tracking system so sophisticated that not one person will be missed out.   This is fast fulfilling before our eyes and soon every human being will be given a number.

Whether by laser or biochip implant is unimportant;  it is simply the mechanics of achieving world control. 

It is not the mark of the beast.

Once the world surveillance system is fully in place, the Conspirators can enforce their religious agenda.  That time is very close, as work in both sectors is almost complete.

Suddenly Satan will be in a position to compel every knee to bow in his honour.

In the Bible, it states clearly that he does not have this right, for  “at the name of  Jesus, every knee will bow… and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  1.

When Satan counterfeits Christ, earth’s billions will believe his lying tongue – conspirators, world leaders, church people, heathens, eastern religions, men, women, young adults,  and children who have reached the age of accountability, will all bow, because they have not made the decision to step out of his influence.

Christians are even being prepared in their churches.

Since the 1980s we have seen a dramatic change in the style of worship in the denominations.  Little do they realise that one of the official plans of Vatican 11, was to unite the churches through the liturgy, the style and format of worship services.  We have seen denominations who previously would have nothing to do with the charismatic form of worship suddenly begin altering their liturgy “to meet the needs of changing society”. 2

“We must keep our young people”, they continue to say.

And incredibly, entertainment has been introduced as the major part of the worship service – worldly music, drums, electric guitars, drama, skits, clapping, stomping feet.  The youth think it is wonderful, and amazingly so do many adults.

After a few objecting mature voices have died away, the performance becomes more upbeat, and in the end, there is no difference between the church service and the disco.

Satan’s feet are well and truly planted in such congregations, and at the appropriate moment, he is able to pour out his spirit, and the counterfeit gifts are received – speaking in tongues, ‘faith’ healing, laughing, great joy and a false sense of peace and security.

The serpent, the sun, and sex are not far away.

Satan is already demonstrating his power.  During the Australian tour of Rodney Howard-Browne, ten thousand attended the final meeting at the Boondall Centre in Brisbane, where there were reports of ‘fire’, ‘fire balls’, and ‘the Shekinah glory’ falling. 3

It reminds us of the prediction, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”  4

Where does your church stand at this moment?   

Some are so far advanced they can never turn back. Once at the top of the slide, the slope is all downward, and God cannot protect it from ruin.

Even if you are not involved in a church, and have no interest in religion, you are being prepared for the three SSSs through television, movies, videos, magazines, newspapers, school, work, and every part of public life.

If you are involved in one of them, you are guilty of all.  5

The secular plan for bringing society into the new age world government is not without the religious aspect, for although the “outer message of the United Nations is Peace, the inner message is Oneness”, the worship of one deity.

An article written by Sri Chinmoy, a United Nations guru and New Age spiritist, who spoke at a UN meeting in 1988 said,  “The United Nations has a mind, a heart and a soul.  Each delegate is a force.  Each nation is a force.  The source of this force is a particular will.  The Divine Will in us wants the Divine Will to liberate the world.  The Divine Will in us wants the Goal’s blossoming divinity.  The Goal is universal oneness for the universal good of humanity”.

Key words are recognised by the delegates.

Continuing his speech, Chinmoy said, “In the words of Pope John XX11, ‘It is our earnest wish that the United Nations organization may become ever more equal to the magnitude and nobility of its tasks.’  All nations together can build a temple.  All nations together can worship a Deity.  At the entrance of the temple, the Divine Protection shall smile.  Upon the shrine in the temple, the Supreme Illumination shall smile… and then the United Nations can easily bloom in excellence and stand at the pinnacle of Divine Enlightenment.”  6

The picture of mankind joining hands and ascending the ladder to the sun, the false ‘day star’, accompanied the report.

Satan is well pleased. 

According to Daniel the Bible prophet, the Antichrist will “think to change times and laws”.  The Catholic Douay Bible puts it very clearly;  “he shall think himself able to change times and laws.” 7  

Obviously these times and laws will not in reality be changed, but as far as the world is concerned, they will believe the changes are correct.

This is part of the deception.

When paganism entered the Christian church in Rome, all the feasts of Semiramis and Nimrod were made to appear Christian.

The 25th December  became Christmas.  Instead of the birth of Tammuz, it was the birth of Jesus.  This day was observed at Rome when the victorious god reappeared on earth, and the feast was held as the Natalis invicti solis – ‘the birthday of the unconquered Sun’. 8

“The Yule Log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun-god, but cut down by his enemies;  the Christmas-tree is Nimrod redivivus:  the slain god come to life.”  9

The forty years of Nimrod’s life before he died, became forty days of Lent, “in honour of the sun”.  10

The Feast of Ishtar became the passion of Jesus Christ and Easter,  a blasphemous festival celebrating the promiscuous conception of a child dedicated to the sun.  Its timing is tied to worship on the day of the sun, and has no connection to Passover, the Bible feast day.  11

The Feast of the Nativity of St John on Midsummer Day, the summer solstice, was originally a festival of Tammuz. 12

The most daring blasphemy is The Feast of the Assumption, as it founded upon the supposed ‘Immaculate Conception’ of Mary.  It coincides with a Babylonian feast in honour of the mother of Bacchus (another name for Ninus or Nimrod) going down to hell to rescue his mother from the infernal powers.  He then carried her with him in triumph to heaven, “pure and undefiled” separate from sinners. 13

The goddess was also worshipped as Proserpine in Greece, the mother of Bacchus, and known as ‘Pluto’s honoured wife’.  Pluto was the god of hell, and his wife was called ‘the Holy Virgin’ because she was “pure in her essence, and (having) undefiled transcendency in her generations”.   In the Orphic hymns she was called “All-ruling Virgin, bearing heavenly light”. 14

The Roman Church celebrates the feast of the ‘immaculate conception’ in honour of Mary, the mother of Jesus on the 8th December, and the feast of the Assumption (the bodily ascension into heaven) on the 15th August, both teachings that did not originate with the Christian church, but came straight from paganism.  They were not even pronounced as formal doctrines in the Catholic Church until 1854 and 1950 respectively!  15

In fact, all the heretical teachings took centuries before the entire masterpiece of Satanic deception was fully developed.  In the first century, the bishops at Rome began to speak with an authority they did not rightfully possess, and little by little, their word became law.

In AD195, the first mandatory command was given by Victor, bishop of Rome.  All churches must keep an annual Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Christ.  Some objected, as the true resurrection memorial was the 14th of the first Jewish month, and would be a different day of the week each year. 16

Victor wrote letters to all church leaders, “excommunicating them”.   This was the first attempt at Papal takeover.

“The Easter controversy continued, with the Eastern churches giving stiff opposition until the Council of Nicea, at which time Sunday was declared the official day for Easter observance.  Emperor Constantine immediately, with civil enactments, enforced it among the churches.”  17

As has been stated earlier, Constantine was a worshipper of the sun, and his Easter Sunday law was not to the glory of the risen Christ, but to the sun.  Many churches protested against this law, and in fact, those distant from Rome, refused to keep it.

On March 7 AD321, Constantine issued the first national Sunday Law in history.   Notice the wording. 18

“Let all judges and townspeople and occupations of all trades rest on the Venerable Day of the Sun (Sunday);  nevertheless, let those who are situated  in the rural districts freely and with full liberty attend to the cultivation of the fields… lest at the time the advantage of the moment granted by the provision of heaven be lost….”  19

Although Constantine professed to be a Christian (Catholic), he had made a ‘sun law’, and at the very same time he was embellishing the Temple of the Sun in Rome.  20

Unfortunately, many Christians today are unaware how Sunday came into the church;  they think it was instituted by Christ in honour of His resurrection.  But this is not so.

Sozomon, a well-known historian of early history stated, “He (Constantine) also enjoined the observance of the day termed the Lord’s day, which the Jews call the first day of the week, and which the Greeks dedicate to the sun, and commanded that no judicial or other business should be transacted on these days, but that God should be served with prayers and supplications.” 21

A challenge was made by a non-Christian Manichaean living about AD400, who said, “You (Christians)… keep the same holidays as the Gentiles… the only difference from the original is that you meet separately.”  22

Within the next five years, Constantine added five additional Sunday laws, one of them ordering his heathen troops to be marched out on the drill field each Sunday to recite a prayer composed by the emperor for this purpose.  While reciting the prayer, the troops were required to face the sun.  23

In AD386, the scope of the legislation was made universal, and “civil transactions of every kind on Sunday were strictly forbidden”, the same exclusively religious character was still attached to it;  for “whoever transgressed was to be considered in fact, as guilty of  sacrilege.”  24    Sacrilege is not in any sense a civil offence, but a religious one.

When a church unites with the state to enforce religion, it is a marriage of the sacred and the profane.

Persecution always follows.

“The original Sunday legislation was but a part of the grand ambition and scheme of the popular church of the time through politico-ecclesiastical connivance and intrigue with Constantine to establish a ‘kingdom of God’ on earth;  and this is the very thought and purpose of an earthly theocracy.”  25

The law enforcing Sunday was nothing more than a law enforcing sun worship, for it was to Constantine, the “venarabili die solis’, the mystical name for the Day of the Sun god. It was not called the Sabbatum (the Sabbath), or dies domini (the Lord’s day), but dies Solis, the Day of the Sun.” 26

When the pagans entered the church on the Day of the Sun, they saw sun symbols, erected to help them adjust to their new surroundings -- of halos surrounding crosses, on the heads of Mary, Jesus, angels, the disciples, sun discs over altars,  and they felt perfectly at home. 27

Many Christians kept both Saturday and Sunday, the former in obedience to their Creator and the Law of God, and the latter according to the law of the land.

This could not be tolerated by the Roman Church, and “in the fourth century, at the Council of Laodicea, worshipping on the seventh day was forbidden by an official decree of the Christian (Roman) church.”   Not to comply meant ‘excommunication’. 28

“Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday (‘sabbato’), but shall work on that day;  but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour, and as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day.  If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out (anathema) from Christ.”  29

These Christians were simply obeying the fourth commandment according the law of God. 30

Bishop Eusebius stated catagorically that there was no reason for keeping the seventh day as “All things whatsoever it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to Sunday.” 31

Some still refused to follow Rome, and bishop Gregory 1, declared, “Certain men of perverse spirit… forbid anything to be done on the day of the Sabbath.  What shall I call them except preachers of antichrist.” 32

It is with this spirit that Satan imbued his followers to persecute the faithful who refused to obey man-made laws for over a thousand years.

“As the centuries rolled by, Sunday observance became increasingly a symbol of the religious power of the Roman Church.  Dissenters wherever they might be found were severely punished, but in spite of this, followers of the true Sabbath were to be found in distant or isolated places.

For many centuries after Bible Sabbath-keeping had been crushed out of much of the western world, it was still kept in such areas as Britain, Scotland and Ireland… Eventually the churches in the British Isles were taken over by Rome, but among the Waldenses of the Italian piedmont and the Swiss Alps, one of the most persecuted and hunted people of the Dark Ages, many kept the Bible Sabbath.”  33

Here is where you need those old history books.  They give a true record of the past.

“Churches that held to this faith also existed for hundreds of years in Central Africa, in Ethiopia and Abyssinia, and among the Armenians and Syrians of Asia….” 34

They were hidden away in the recesses of the mountains, until found by Rome.

Over the centuries, thousands of people were martyred for keeping holy the Sabbath day, but by the sixteenth century, the majority of faithful Christians had forgotten how the false teachings had entered the church.  They could not study for themselves, for Rome kept the Bible written in Latin and locked in chains.

In God’s perfect timing, a man arose, who hurled a bombshell in the midst of the Papacy. 

That man was Martin Luther.

He did not fully understand the Sabbath truth, but he was given much light from God’s Word on righteousness by faith – sola fide, sola gracius, sola Christos, and sola Scriptura.


He stated to the prelates, “Gentlemen, we have founded the Protestant church on the Bible, and we stand for the Bible and the Bible only.” 35

This challenge shook the foundations of the Catholic Church. Its very existence was threatened.

Immediately the Holy See began a counter-reformation, in which Ignatius Loyola, the man who founded the Jesuit Order, played a leading role.

An assembly, called the Council of Trent, was begun on December 13, 1545.  Its main discussion was Papal authority, and whether the Bible or Tradition was the basis for Catholic doctrine.  This debate lasted until December 4, 1563, a period of eighteen years!  (3x6!)  36

“From a doctrinal and disciplinary point of view, the Council of Trent was the most important council in the history of the Roman Church, fixing her distinctive faith and practise in relation to the Protestant Evangelical churches.” 37

Finally, at the last session, on the eighteenth of January 1562, the Archbishop Reggio made a speech that settled the question.  Read carefully the reason that carried the day.

“Archbishop Reggio openly declared that tradition stood above Scripture.  The authority of the church could therefore not be bound to the authority of the Scriptures, because the church had changed Sabbath into Sunday, not by the command of Christ but by its own authority.  With this, to be sure, the last illusion was destroyed, and it was declared that tradition does not signify antiquity, but continual inspiration.” 38

Listen to the boastful words of the Antichrist, “God simply gave His (Catholic) Church the power to set aside whatever day or days she would deem suitable as Holy Days.  The Church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time added other days, as holy days.” 39

Yes, in these words, the Catholic Church admits to changing times and laws, for she “claims the honor of having granted man a pause to his work every seven days.”  40

Of course, this is a lie.

Christ Himself gave man a weekly day of rest at the end of creation’s week.  He blessed and sanctified it, setting it apart as holy time for His children.  It is holy time because God rested on that day.  Man cannot make time holy. 41

The Pope can force men to refrain from work, sport, shopping, business or pleasure on Sunday, but he cannot make the day holy.  It remains a pagan festival to all who obey Sunday blue laws, but to the faithful remnant, it is simply the first day of the week.

Are you beginning to see the mark of Rome?

It is not something imagined to be her sign of authority;  it is an acknowledgment from Rome herself.

If we were to ask the Catholic Church a question:  Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

The official answer,  according to Keenan’s Doctrinal Catechism  would be:  “Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her; she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.”  42

There need be no confusion, but we will ask again:  Did the Catholic Church change the law of God to Sunday?

“Of course, the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act.  It could not have been otherwise as none in those days would have dreamed of doing anything in matters spiritual and ecclesiastical and religious without her.  And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.” 43

You may think this is just a boastful claim, but remember, the Council of Trent debated the issue for eighteen years to be absolutely certain it had made its own position immovable.   In addition, because Sunday-keeping had become so deeply rooted in Protestantism, the Papacy was also able to challenge that position with inconsistency, and until Protestantism came in line with Rome the charges were able to continue to flow.   And they do.

“We Catholics have precisely the same authority for keeping Sunday holy instead of Saturday as we have for every other article of our creed;  namely, the authority of the (Catholic) Church.”  44

Satan’s mind is evil, but brilliant.

When Charles T Everson, a Protestant minister, was in Rome many years ago, he attended a morning service in the Lenten season at the Church of the Jesu, the church in which the body of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits is buried.

On that occasion a Jesuit arose to speak. 

He said, “I shall speak to you today upon the Sabbath question. You may search your Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single verse authorising the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week.  The Bible everywhere commands the observance of Saturday the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath…

I wish to ask you Protestants that are present, Why do you keep Sunday?  If you keep it because the Catholic Church made it for you, we are pleased.  But I wish to ask you another question.  If you can keep one day that the Catholic Church made for you, why can you not keep the rest of the days made by the same church?”  45

It is a good question, and one every Protestant must ask himself and herself.   The Catholic Church has put out many challenges to the Protestant world, and they have a perfect right to do so, even if its premise of tradition is wrong.

“Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy.  There is no such law in the Bible.  It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone.  The Bible says, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy’.  The Catholic Church says, ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.  And lo!  The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church.”  46

“It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday.  Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church.”  47

What is the response of the Protestant churches?

Andres Karstadt, Luther’s companion said, “Concerning Sunday it is known that men have instituted it… It is clear, however, that you should celebrate the seventh day.”  48

The Episcopalian (Anglican) Church in the United States has said,  “The observance of the first day instead of the seventh day rests on the testimony of the Catholic church, and the (Catholic) church alone.”  49

Dr E.,T. Hiscox, author of the ‘Baptist Manual’ stated, “There was and is a command to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not Sunday… I ask, where can the record of such a transaction be found?  Not in the New Testament – absolutely not.  There is no Scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the Seventh to the First day of the week…”

He continues, “Of course, I quite well know that Sunday did come into use in early Christian history as a religious day, as we learn from the Christian fathers and other sources.  But what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of Paganism, and christened with the name of the sun-god, then adopted and sanctified by the Papal apostasy, and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism.” 50

You can do your own research. 

You can ask questions, and if you know Reformation and Counter-Reformation history well, you will see how inconsistent the Protestant Church leaders are in their answers.  Challenge them, and take note how many different answers you  receive.

According to the prophecy of John, the harlot woman is the mother of harlots.  Obviously her daughters are like her, having committed adultery with sunworship, which includes even more than the day of worship.

Follow the ‘dialogue’ taking place today, and note who is compromising, and who is standing their ground.  

Rome never changes. 

On the main entrance of the Church of St John Lateran in Rome, the words are inscribed in stone,

                              SACROS – LATERAN – ECCLES OMNIUM URBIS ET OREIS

                                                  ECCLESIARUM MATER ET CAPUT

                                                             (English equivalent)

                                            THE MOTHER HEAD OF ALL CHURCHES

The Church of St John of Lateran is the church given to every Pope as his personal church, thus representing the Papal stand of being the ‘mother’ of all churches. 51

Protestantism originally made a noble stand against the Papal errors that were seen at the time, but instead of continuing on in its search for truth, it has turned back and is heading straight down the path of Romanism.

Satan’s plan for a world religion must be united on a major point of doctrine.   Sunday is the only choice; it must be Rome’s strongest point, and the greatest area of existing harmony in the other religions.

Can you see his  plan?

In 1991, Pope John Paul 11 wrote an encyclical entitled ‘Centesimus Annus’, meaning the 100th Year.   It is a message to the social needs of society, his ninth encyclical, but his third on the subject of the social needs. 52

In the encyclical, the Pope examined strengths and weaknesses of different forms of capitalism and the free market, taking up such themes as work, unions and wages, unemployment, profit, atheism, class struggle, freedom and private property and so forth, but in the middle of it, he began to speak about “the right to the limitation of working hours, the right to legitimate rest…” 53

There is much that is valid in the encyclical regarding grinding “men down with excessive labour as to stupefy their minds and wear out their bodies”, as well as a “just wage”, but it is not long before the real issue became apparent.

It is the right of the working class to ‘freely discharge one’s religious duties’.  “The Pope… affirmed ‘the need for Sunday rest so that people may turn their thoughts to heavenly things and to the worship which they owe to almighty God.  No one can take away this human right, which is based on a commandment.” 54

The Pope will never minimise his stand on the mark of  Papal authority.

Notice his further words, “The state must guarantee to the working class the exercise of this freedom… (the need to rest on Sunday)… In this regard, one may well ask whether existing laws and the practice of industrialised societies effectively ensure in our own day the exercise of this basic right to Sunday Rest.”  55

Do not miss those words, “the state must guarantee…”  And regarding existing Sunday laws, are they adequate enough?

Not according to the Papacy.

Prophecy says history will repeat itself.

When men, women and children throughout history have stood for the truth of God’s Word;  the result has always been persecution.

There is no question, Sunday is the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

All who choose man’s law (Sunday) above God’s law (Sabbath), will receive the ‘MARK of the beast’, for “he will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads…”  56

You may wonder how you can receive Sunday-keeping?   Once again, it is Bible code, and symbolic.

Those who are not committed to Christ are already receiving the impress of Satan upon their characters, for they are obeying his wishes in their everyday lives.  When the law of the state is enforced, it will be automatic for them to choose the mark of Antichrist, and God will seal them for eternity.

They will have received the ‘mark’ of Antichrist, and await the same punishment – the seven last plagues, and the wrath of God ‘without mixture’.   No longer will God’s love be blended with mercy. It will now be pure justice, the right of deity alone.

All who wish to be part of the remnant, must make their decision now, for tomorrow may be too late. 

As the faithful ‘little flock’ worships the Creator in spirit and in truth, they receive the impress of God’s character upon their lives, and when the final test comes, they will do as they have always done, love and obey God. 57

“Their father’s name is in their foreheads… they are not defiled with women (meaning the harlot and her daughters) … and in their mouth is found no guile, for they are without fault before the throne of God.”  58

When the great test is passed, the remnant will be sealed for eternity, and at the coming of Christ, they will receive the gift of eternal life.

Every person has the same choice – Jesus or Satan.

                                        “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve…
                                                   but as for me and my house,
                                                     we will serve the Lord.”  59

When will the mark be enforced?

Sunday laws are on the books of almost every nation upon earth; you may have noticed Sunday agitation arise every so often.  In some places the laws are relaxed, in others places they are enforced.

Sunday shopping, sport, movies, relaxation, pleasure – it is all part of the plan.

A feeling of safety pervades society.

In the town of Bendigo in Victoria Australia, a vote was taken in March 1998 as to whether that rural town would leave the shops open, or whether they would pass a Sunday law and close them down.  The result was to reject the Sunday closing law.

While it is encouraging that men and women have voted as they did, those who scoff at the idea of Sunday laws are having a field day, but while men and women are eating and drinking, marrying, giving in marriage…

Suddenly a National Sunday Law will be passed in the United States of America.     This will be the signal, and once America paves the way, every other country will follow her lead.

What then?

Will you receive the mark of the beast?



Chapter 10 – The Mark

Philippians 2:9.10.
Alternative Future for Worship  Vol 4. Peter E Fink. S.J. Reconciliation p131.132.  One chapter is entitled ‘Liturgy for the Reconciliation of Groups’ and it reveals the Jesuit thought regarding the process of reconciling whole groups such as churches by using the vehicle of the liturgy, such as Rome is doing through the Celebration movement.  One of the first things suggested is for the “discovery of something which divided groups hold in common, to celebrate and solidify a commitment on the part of each to that common bond – pursue what they have in common.”  Ibid p153.
Special Report on laughter revival by Despatch’p1.
Revelation 13:13.
James 2:10.11.
Wide Horizons newsletter 1988. Quoted in Liberty Notes May-Jun 1991 p2.
Daniel 7:25.
Two Babylons Alexander Hislop p91 and onwards.  Many books have been read on the subject, including The Counterfeit of Christianity by Murl Vance.
Ibid p98.
Christmas, Easter and Lent. George Burnside tract.
Two Babylons p103 and onwards.
Burnside tract.
Two Babylons p125 and onwards.
Pilgrim’s Rest Charnge of the Sabbath Part 1 p12.
The Code of Justinian Book 111. Title 12. Law 3. Quoted in Pilgrim’s Rest on changes of the Sabbath.   Also Daniel and Revelation by Uriah Smith.
Pilgrim’s Rest on Change of the Sabbath.
Ecclesiastical History Book 1. Ch V111. By Sozomon.
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean. Book 20. Par 4. Quoted in Pilgrim’s Rest.
Historian Neander Quoted Ibid.
Pilgrim’s Rest and Counterfeit Christianity
Council of Laodicea. Canon 29. A History of the Councils of the Church. C.J. Hefele. Vol 1 p316. Quoted in Pilgrim’s Rest.
Oxodus 20:8-11.
Pilgrim’s Rest’articles.
Epistles. Book 13:1. In Labbe and Cossart. Sacrosanela Concilia. Vol 5. Col 1511. Quote in Pilgrim’s Rest.
History of the Sabbath Heylen. Par 2 Ch 5. Sec 7. Also History Of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century’ D’Aubigne.  Book 17. Ch 2.  Video Israel of the Alps by Pat Arabito.  Counterfeit of Christianity Murl Vance. Audio Roots of Adventism Dr Brian Ball.
Ibid.  Many history books on Martiin Luther will give this information.
Pilgrim’s Rest and Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia’ under title Council of Trent. Quoted in Mark of the Beast. Charles T Everson p22.
Canon and Tradition J.H. Holtzman p363. Mark of the Beast Everson p23.
Forbidden Sunday and Feast-day Occupations. Vincent J Kelly p2.
Storia della Domenica S.G. Mosna. 1969. p366. 367.
Genesis 2:2.3.
Keenan’s Doctrinal Catechism.
A letter to cardinal Gibbons by his chancellor stated in November 11. 1895.
The Clifton Tracts Vol 4. Tract 4 p15.
Mark of the Beast Everson p27.28.
Thomas Fanright CSSR. President Redemptorist College. Kansas City. Missouri. Feb 18.1881.
Andrew Carlstadt. Luther’s companion. Lived 1480-1541.
Hobert Church News Jul 2. 1894.
Author of Baptist Manual Dr F.T. Hiscox, a well-known Baptist author.
Seen personally by a friend and photographed.  Shown at a public meeting at which I was present.
Printed in Origins CNS documentary service. May 16. 1991. Vol 21. NO.1. Mrs Bessie Briscoe. 3211 4th St NW.  Washington.  DC. 20017-110. (Phone 00111 202 541 3290, for more information)
Revelation 13:16.
Revelation 14:12.
Revelation 14:1.4.5.
Joshua 25:15.

Go to - Chapter 11

The Image

Countdown to Eternity