Go to -- Chapter 5

The Beast and the Name


Chapter 4 – The New World Order

‘Daniel and the Revelation’ Uriah Smith p60.
 Daniel 2:41-43.
‘Daniel & Rev’ p61.
‘The People’s Almanac’ p449. Wallechinsky.
‘The Illuminati 666’ W.J.Sutton p241.
‘Daniel and the Revelation’ Smith p61.63.
 Ibid p245.
‘Time’ Dec 1988 p14.
Ibid Dec 1989 p4.
‘The Australian’ Sep 13.1990 and ‘Time’ Sep 17.1990.
‘Herald Sun’ 1990.
‘Barron’s’ Sep 24.1990.
‘New Republic’ Aug 13. 1990.
Jewish Press’ Quoted in ‘Newsweek’ Nov 26.1990.
‘Time’ Sep 17.1990.
‘The Australian’ Sep 13. 1990.
‘Time’ Feb 1992. p17.
McAlvany Intelligence Adviser. Jan 1994. P.O.Box 84904. Phoenix. AZ  85071.USA. Phone: 602 252 4477.
Partly from Video:  ‘Iron Mountain’
Moses Hess and George Jung respectively.
‘The Illuminati 666’ p191.192.
Reprinted from ‘The Seekers’ Richard Snell Editor. P.O.Box 6708. Texarkana. TX 75505. Written by Police Chief Rupert Orpheus.
‘The Illuminati 666’ p192.
‘Wake Up America’ p15-17. Quoted in ‘The Illuminati’ 666 p203.
‘Strategy’ Nov 1997.p6.
Notes on world events. Anthony Grigor-Scott. Bible Believers Church. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au
Report- ‘Parliamentarian Global Action’ 1984-1985. Don Bell.
‘The Harmonizer’ Nov 4. 19982. St Anthony Messenger Jan 1982.
‘World Parliament Report’ 1984-1985.
‘Fort Wayne News Sentinel’ Dec 20 1982.
‘Christian Counter Revolution Bulletin’ 25. Nov-Dec 1981 by Ursula Oxfort.
‘The Trumpet’ Oct 1987.
United Nations N.Y. RNS. Casaroli delivers Papal address. Ibid.
‘Christian Counter Revolution Bulletin’
‘Cherith Chronicle’ Oct-Dec 1996. p37
‘The Keys of this Blood’  p142.143.
Ibid p143.
Ibid. p17.
‘Time’ Aug 11. 1997. p60.
Ibid p61.



Chapter 4

The New World Order

“And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken… they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
   Daniel 2:42.43.

The plan for a one world government is not new.

“Time and time again men have dreamed of rearing (up) one mighty kingdom.  Charlemagne tried it.  Charles V tried.  Louis X1V tried it.  Napolean tried it.  But none succeeded. A single verse of prophecy was stronger than all their hosts… ‘Partly strong, and partly broken’, was the prophetic description.”  1

In the book of Daniel, God gave a picture of world history in a dream to Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and for its interpretation to Daniel the prophet.  It consisted of an immense image of various metals, each representing a nation in history.

The head of gold represented Babylon, the chest of silver Medo-Persia, the thighs of brass Greece, and the legs of iron vividly portrayed the fourth kingdom, the ‘iron monarchy’ of Rome.  But as with all three world empires before it, Rome would not last forever. It would be destroyed, and divided into ten kingdoms.

And so it was.

In AD457, Rome broke up into ten separate nations, some of which were the Anglo Saxons, Vandals, Visigoths, Burgundians, Suevi, Ostrogoths etc.  Eventually three were subdued, and the remainder gradually became the modern kingdoms of Europe as they are today. 

This division is represented by the ten toes, part of iron and part of clay.   Some are weak, and some are strong.

Of these divided kingdoms, God said, “And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, they shall… not cleave one to another…”   In other words, there will never again be a united world government, “even as iron is not mixed with clay.”  2

Independent kingdoms were formed out of Rome’s broken state, and since that time, no man has been able to break the prophecy of Daniel.  All attempts to mould the iron and the clay have failed.

‘This shall not be’, says the word of God. 

‘This has not been’, replies the book of history. 

Men may say, ‘If force cannot avail, diplomacy and reasons of state may – we will try them.’

And will this device succeed?   No.

Napoleon tried, but he was not successful. Numerous European wars followed his efforts. “To avert future conflicts, benevolent rulers resorted to the expedience of intermarriage to ensure peace, until by the opening of the twentieth century it was asserted that every ranking hereditary ruler of Europe was related to the British royal family.”  3

At the close of  World War 1, the conviction arose in many minds that a war had been fought that would end war, and President Woodrow Wilson exclaimed, “The world has been made safe for democracy!”  On January 8. 1918, he laid out a 14-point plan to Congress for lasting peace. 4

However, within this package for world peace was a neatly hidden plan to have the nations of the world give up their sovereignty.  The organisation formed to begin the implementation of this plot was The League of Nations. 5 

World War 1 had been organised by the Conspirators to make money, and to frighten the people of the world into believing that if all governments would unite into a One World Government, it would put an end to wars between nations, and achieve world peace and security.

Yet under the very shadow of the League of  Nations’ palace arose leaders who would destroy world peace and shatter the ideal of world union, while at the same time preaching a new social revolution.  They vainly promised the triumph of culture and a union born of racial superiority ensuring the ‘partly strong’ and ‘partly broken’ nations of Europe “a thousand years of tranquillity.” 6

In 1918, Woodrow Wilson began to draw the United States citizens, along with the rest of the world, into accepting this sham, and eventually, 63 nations joined the League.  However, President Wilson was not able to obtain the two-third vote in the US Senate required for ratification of a treaty, and the United States never joined The League of Nations.

Once the Conspirators realised they could not achieve their world government under the League of Nations, they formed an aristocratic secret organisation called the Council on Foreign Relations to produce enough Congressmen, Senators, and Statesmen that their next attempt at the One World Government would not fail.  It was simply an American front designed to win the American vote.

As a result, the Conspirators were successful in bringing the United States into the plan for a one world government.  The League of Nations was abandoned, and in 1945 the United Nations arose in its place -- on American soil.

The United Nations was founded by Soviet spies, Alger Hiss and Harry Exter White (both high ranking US officials), together with other Establishment globalists, including Russian communists. Its charter was patterned after the Russian constitution, and from its inception, one third of the budget has been funded by the American taxpayer.  7

For the first forty years the U.N. did not appear to live up to the globalists’ and communists’ expectations as the vehicle for world government, but suddenly, toward the end of the 80s, something began to happen.

In 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union, made a dramatic speech (to the United Nations), painting “an alluring… future in which the threat of military force would no longer be an instrument of foreign policy…” 8

Gorbachev continued, “The use of the threat of force no longer can or must be an instrument of foreign policy… All of us, and primarily the stronger of us, must exercise self-restraint and totally rule out any outward-oriented use of force…  The formula of development ‘at the expense of others’ is on the way out.  In the light of existing realities, no genuine progress is at the expense of the rights and freedoms of individuals and nations, or at the expense of nature.”

He said it was a “sweeping vision of a new world order for the 21st century.”  9

This was an unusual speech for a Communist, but the following year Gorbachev did something even more amazing,  he made a visit to the Vatican to see Pope John Paul 11.

A ‘Time’ report stated, “Of all the events that have shaken the Soviet bloc in 1989, none is more fraught with history – or more implausible – than the polite encounter to take place this week in Vatican City.

There, in the spacious ceremonial library of the 16th century Apostolic Palace, the czar of world atheism, Mikhail Gorbachev will visit the Vicar of Christ, Pope John Paul 11…” 10

What did it mean?

The pieces of the jigsaw are gradually coming together.

In April 1990 Gorbachev told politicians, clergymen, public figures and journalists from more than forty countries at the World Media Conference in Moscow, that the world continues “toward a New World Order”.  11

Five months later, in September 1990, George Bush made the following statement in a speech before a Joint Session of the United Nations Congress: “A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor.  And today that new world is struggling to be born.  A world quite different from the one we’ve known…

Out of these troubled times… a New World Order can emerge… a world in which nations recognise the shared responsibility for freedom and justice.”  12

Suddenly we were hearing those words everywhere.  Had a signal been given that is was time to let the world know about the plans for a New World Order?

It seemed to be so.

NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.        Remember these words?

Even the Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke said the fifth reason for sending Australian sailors to the Gulf was “to further the great quest for a New World Order of peace, security and freedom.”    13

The Wall Street Journal wrote,  “President Bush is betting on nothing less than a New World Order.” 14

In ‘The New Republic’, United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar said he detected “the birth of a new kind of loyalty, an Earth-Patriotism.”  15

George Bush’s speech continued, “… A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle.  A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and peace.” 16 

Remember Bush’s words, “Read my lips”?   We would say about this speech: “Note those words” – rule of law.

Dr Jeane Kirkpatrick asked, “What will George Bush’s ‘new world order’ be like?…. From watching, one central fact emerges… The civilized world is now in the process of fashioning the rules that will govern the new world order beginning to emerge in the aftermath of the Cold War.”   17

In September 1990, George Bush signed a treaty on German unification in Moscow, and he said, “As well as formally ending the post-war divisions of the Continent the document is destined to become the foundation of a new European order in which a united Germany will inevitably be the single most powerful country…  a new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment.”  18

This agreement marked the formal end of World War 11, confirming also the end of the Cold War, and signalling the imminent removal of the Iron Curtain.  The dismantling was achieved by the combined effort of Pope John Paul 11 and the United States of America, fulfilling plans made in 1982 when Ronald Reagan visited the Vatican for the first time.  19

The ‘US News and World Report’ headlined the end of the cold war as “Gorby’s bow to the Roman Legions”.

But prior to the dismantling of Communism, Mikhail Gorbachev gave a speech to the Politburo in which he said, “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years.  These are primarily for outward consumption.  There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes.”  20

What is going on?

Let us be clear on one point, Communism has never been a threat to world leaders, for it was deliberately formed to bring about the FEAR of war among the nations.  Its purpose was to foment wars, riots, revolutions, and was gradually to infiltrate the labour unions, taking them over before the rank and file were aware of what had occurred.

With the ‘threat’ of Communism out of the way, it is able to work subtlely, weaving itself into the fabric of every nation, through both Labour and Liberal Parties, Trade Unions, Socialism, Fabianism, Secular Humanism, and even the push for a Republic has its roots in this atheist philosophy.

To vote for any major political party is pointless, for no matter who is elected, the Conspirators dictate the policies.   Some Independents can be commended on their stand, and they may awaken apathetic people, but unfortunately their efforts can never place them in an office that will stem the tide.

One of the major thrusts of Communism is to corrupt the young, and sad to say, they are achieving this through rock music, sex, drugs, gay lifestyles, pornography, and currently the availability of promiscuous telephone ‘services’, and pornography on the Internet.

A man by the name of Karl Marx was responsible for putting the ideas of Communism on paper, although he was simply updating the earlier writings of Dr Adam Weishaupt, organiser of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria. 21

However, Marx was fully in harmony with these principles, for he had been initiated into a Satanist cult, and his evil character was well known, especially by one of his sons, who addressed a letter to his father as, “My dear Devil…”

A friend said of him, “Marx will surely chase God from his heaven and will even sue him.”   Another friend said, “Dr Marx  is my idol. He will give the last kick to medieval religion and politics.”  22

Karl Marx was paid for writing this Communist Manifesto by Lord Nathan de Rothschild, one of the Rothschild dynasty, the wealthiest family in the world.  Frederick Engels was also involved .  Marx hated Jews, Christians and Germans.  23

In 1973, the ideals of the Communist Manifesto were incorporated into the belief system of Secular Humanists, and today thousands of men and women are obeying the dictates of the Humanist Manifesto, a religion known as Secular Humanism (SH).  24

According to Police Chief Rupert Orpheus, a Secular Humanist, “Any who would deny that our religion of SH is not a valid religion should do their home work…  the Supreme Court said that one’s religion can be ‘… any world view with or without reference to God, theistic or non-theistic in nature…’”  25

He continues, “In our great humanist Manifesto signed in 1973 and 1993, we explain our moral creed which is very much the same as the Marxist creed, yet set forth in much more palatable and tactful terms…”  26

The goal is still the same:  WORLD PEACE THROUGH WORLD GOVERNMENT.

It may come as a surprise to know that the first assignment of Communism was the French Revolution!

Its second major revolution was the Bolshevic Revolution.  It began on May 1, 1917, and was financed by international bankers, including Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg and Schiff. 27

Before overthrowing the Czar of Russia, Lenin announced, “After Russia we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the United States which will be the last bastion of capitalism.  We will not have to attack.  It will fall like an overripe fruit into our hands.”  28

How true this statement has proved to be.

Of course it is the Conspirators who are pulling the strings.   The Communists merely obey orders.

When Communist Nikita Krushchev visited the United States, he said, “You Americans are so gullible.  No, you won’t accept Communism outright, but we will keep feeding you  small doses of Socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have Communism.  We won’t have to fight you.  We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”  29

Nothing changed from Lenin to Krushchev.

Krushchev also stated, “The best way to destroy the Capitalist System  is to debauch the country.  By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of its citizens.”  30

Who would doubt that they have been successful in this endeavour?

What about Australia and other countries?  Are we all just as gullible as the Americans?

Here how it is done:  “Comrades… if we wish to control Asia, we must first control Australia…. Because of the small size of the Communist Party of Australia, the plan calls first for the exploitation of the extreme left of the Australian Labour Party, infiltration of the younger working class in the industrial areas, and, of the greatest importance, subversion and control of the trade unions.”  31

Well, what do you think?

The Constitutional Convention Election is another test of our gullibility.  Did you understand what it was all about?  Many did not;  they threw their ballot papers in the bin, not even trying to find out if they should become involved.

However, if any reader thought the Constitutional Convention Election was designed to give a genuine choice between a Monarchy and a Republic, a lesson in gullibility is perhaps advisable.  Unfortunately, it was simply an exercise in diverting public attention and keeping the truth away from the people. 32

There is really no choice as to whether we become a Republic, for the Conspirators are in control.  To bring the Australian Constitution into harmony with world law is more difficult than abandoning it altogether, and writing a new one.

“The non-debate between Monarchists and Republicans is a false light to deceive the people while our treacherous politicians sign the nation over to the International Bankers in a New World Order… Native Title, Mabo, Wik, ‘Reconciliation’, ‘Stolen Generation’ issues are all false lights, intended to occupy the attention of Australians while our treacherous politicians sell-out what is left of our sovereignty.” 33

Ray Platt of ‘The Strategy’ writes, “The fight for Australia to become a republic (which it already is) is driven by a (UN) socialist approach to assert man’s authority over man.  And whether the proponents for a republic are aware or not, socialism is the vehicle of evil for it would deny the Laws of God and replace man as god with man-made laws.”  34   (Brackets in quote)

We may or may not be officially a Republic at this moment, but it is a foregone conclusion by the country’s controlled-leaders, that to bring about the New World Order, all nations must surrender their sovereignty.

One world leader who is putting forth an incredible effort towards the New World Order is the Pope of Rome.  He is travelling the world, working behind the scenes, making phone calls, receiving visits, and despite his age and ill health, his zeal is not abated.

But, Pope John Paul 11 is not working against setting up a world government.  He is working to establish a world government of his own (on behalf of the Papacy), one he says “will succeed”.

Does this surprise you?

Remember Gorbachev’s propaganda?  Obviously the pretended dismantling of Communism was part of the plan to push the New World Order ahead.

Where does the Pope of Rome stand in relation to the ideology of atheistic-Communistic-Marxism?  According to reports from the Pope’s speeches, he stands for:

The end of all Gun Rights.  35
The New International Economic Order -- a World Government.  36
Total disarmament. 37
The end of sovereignty for all nations. 38
The INTERdependence of nations. 39
The end of absolute property rights.  40
The redistribution of wealth and jobs. 41
The economic principle of Communism. 42
He calls for nations to trust the United Nations. 43
The United Nations is the hope for peace. 44

It is important to emphasise that these are the same principles as Mikhail Gorbechev;  they are the principles of Communism.

In the words of Ursula Oxfort, Roman Catholic writer of the ‘Christian Counter Revolution’ Bulletin, “Pope John Paul 11 is a Communist!”  45

“The Marxist experiment in the Soviet Union which was the ongoing French Revolution… is now culminating in the global marxist-papal New World Order.  Since Vatican 11 the forces of Marxism and the Papacy have been converging theologically and politically, and now in combination… (are about to) harness the enormous power and influence of the developing image of the Papacy in imposing the Papal worship around the globe.”  46

Malachi Martin, past adviser to the Pope, wrote in his book  “The Keys of this Blood”, that “The Papal network of the Roman Catholic Church… places at the personal disposal of the Pope a supra-national, supra-continental, supra-trade-bloc structure that is so built and orientated that if tomorrow or next week, by a sudden miracle, a one world government were established, the Church would not have to undergo any essential structural change in order to retain its dominant position and to further its global aims.”   47

It has been the long-term plan of the Roman Catholic Church, not just the aim of  Pope John Paul 11, but the Papal Office through is Holy See – to convert the world over to Catholicism.

Martin also wrote of the pontiff,  “The Pope, as the sole legitimate head of the Holy See’s organizational institution and structure… is by definition the world’s first fully fledged geo-political leader.”  48

However, at the time of writing the above mentioned book there were two other political powers who were challenging the Pope for world domination – the Soviet Union and the United States.

With the Soviet contender out of the race, it leaves the United States as the only challenger.  Martin said the USA is “not headed by a single individual leader of a single institution or territory.  It is a group of men who are united as one in power,  mind  and will for the purpose of achieving a single common goal:  to be victorious in the competition for the new global hegemony (leadership)”.  49

What is the United States attitude towards world rulership?

An Opinion article in ‘Time’ magazine gives the answer.  It is headed: ‘America Rules:   Thank God’.  Underneath the question is  asked: “Who else should call the shots?  China”  Iran?  The Russian mafia?… Kofi Annan?  Japan?   France?…”  50

Does America rule the world?

Charles Krauthammer, author of the above quotation believes it does.  He says, “American dominance is a blessing because it has given the world a Pax Americana, an era of international peace and tranquillity unseen in this century, rarely seen in human history… Smaller powers do not dare start regional wars;  they have seen what happened to Iraq.  What remains are brushfire wars, most of which the U.S. simply will not strain to quell.”  51

But it still begs the question:  Does America rule the world as did the four previous world kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome?


Not until all national sovereignties are but a memory and the  strength of  individual countries is given over to the ultimate victor in the race.

Will it be the Pope of Rome in the Vatican?

Or will it be the President and the United States of America?

And what about the prophecy?  Will one of these super powers be strong enough to break a Bible prophecy 2600 years old?   Will they be able to defy the God of heaven, and succeed where others failed?

Can iron and clay stick together?

Countdown to Eternity