

4th Section

Rehearsing history

For centuries men and women have used home remedies to heal the sick. These have been passed down through families for generations. The American Indian has used natural remedies for centuries.  By mixing herbs, roots and other plants of the desert they have healed their illnesses, keeping themselves strong mentally and physically. The Australian aborigine has also known which leaf and bark to use for specific illnesses.  

Most indigenous people of the Pacific islands and Africa treated their families with natural treatments, however, many  have  lost  the  art, and  with  a lack of sanitation, have become very sick.

In the Western World there have been practices not at all healthy.   Blood-letting was a very ancient  medical practice, either  through  cutting the skin  and allowing the blood to flow, or using leeches.  George Washington died in 1799 from blood-letting. The standard treatment was to “Bleed them, purge them, and drug them.”

The purging was with calomel and the drugging with arsenic, opiates, mercury combinations, or antimony, a toxic metal.  Tobacco and heroin were also used as medicines.

During those days, doctors did not know how disease was spread.   They would examine the body fluids of a sick patient or do an autopsy, and without washing their hands, deliver a baby.

Epidemics of cholera, smallpox, typhus, yellow fever, have taken tens of thousands of lives.  Some blamed disease of the night air, calling it a ‘foul miasma’. Others believed cholera was brought by immigrants.  Still others said it rose spontaneously.

In the early 1800s Louis Pasteur proved by scientific experimentation  that ‘spontaneous generation’  did not breed germs.  Instead they were invisible creatures that must be washed off after caring for the sick or handling the dead.   Doctors were slow to accept it and mortality in childbirth remained high for some years.   A simple washing of the hands could have saved hundreds of lives.

If the Jewish people had been consulted, the importance  of  safeguarding against  disease  would have been understood, as the Old Testament Scriptures outline in detail how to keep the people healthy.  Quarantine laws were extremely important from the time of the Exodus when Israel was born as a nation.  Leviticus 11:1-47; 13:45.46.52; 15:1-33.  Numbers 5:1-4; 19:3-22.  Deuteronomy 23:12.  And others.

Gradually men and women in Europe and other Western countries learned the importance of isolating disease, and sanitary conditions became the norm.

As the workings of the body were studied, it was realised there were other ways to treat disease than the  drugs  of  the  medical profession. This resulted in new fields of therapy opening in the United States.

Naturopathy was introduced, although it had been very successful in Germany for centuries.  Its treatments were gentle, such as herbs, foods, water and fasting, and these did not hinder the body’s own healing powers. Soon schools of Naturopathy were established and thousands became qualified Naturopaths.

Another field was Osteopathy.  It was similar to Naturopathy in that its founder used natural foods and believed the body could heal itself.  Osteopathic medicine began as a reform movement against  the  primitive use of drugs and surgical techniques  by the medical profession.  It too became popular.

A physician in Germany discovered Homeopathy which administers extremely low doses of plant extracts.  Soon schools were begun to teach this natural method and it expanded rapidly.

At the end of the 19th century, Chiropractic began to deal with the displacement of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.  Many received great benefit.  Schools were founded and men became qualified Chiropractors.     

Water treatment was introduced, known as Hydrotherapy.  This was an ancient Greek practice, using warm-water spas.  It had also been used in Egypt, Rome and other countries for centuries. The warm water relaxed the body. Hot and cold hydrotherapy was also practised to bring the blood to the surface and away again.

Another area was Herbalism. Thousands of herbs were studied and found to assist many diseases. As has already been shown, native Indians and other indigenous peoples all used herbs for healing.  They were used in India, in Egypt, and many other countries. The Chinese are still well-known for their herbal medicines.  India is also known for its healing spices.

Much more could be said  about each natural practice, but this will suffice.  Thousands of people were healed through their remedies.

As people generally did not understand the relationship between food and health, many kept getting sick. They were consuming large  amounts  of  animal fat in various meats, cooking with lard, using a great deal of pickles and mustards, and eating rich sugary desserts.  It was a very rich diet.  Gradually this changed, although it took some time.

One health retreat that began to teach the principles of healthful eating, as well as gaining notoriety for its healthful practises was Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan (USA).

It was opened in 1867, and began to accommodate multitudes of health-seeking pilgrims flocking from all over the United States and Europe.   Some of its patrons were Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller Jnr, Booker T. Washington, President William H. Taft, Eleanor Roosevelt.  

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg  was  founder of the sanitarium, the man who originated Kellogg’s cornflakes.  During his career, hundreds of thousands of men and women with serious illnesses were treated  with a combination of  modern  and  preventative  medicine,  including surgery,  bacteriology, hydro-therapy, electro-therapeutics, Swedish massage, vegetarianism, exercise, and a spiritual uplift. 

The sanitarium accommodated more than 1,250 patients patients with a staff of 1,800 at any one time.  Its dining room and lobby were luxurious and the 1200 bedrooms were hygienic and well-appointed.  www.pbs. org/newshour/health/dr-kelloggs-world-renowned-health-spa-made-wellness-titan

Dr Kellogg lectured patients every day, educating them in healthful living and eating, especially in leaving off meat and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, with nuts, seeds and grains.  Many returned home in a good state of health.

Big Pharma

At the turn of the century, a man by the name of Abraham Flexner wrote a report on U.S. education.  It was well received by the Carnegie Foundation, and he was recruited  by the General Education Board (GEB) and quickly promoted to Secretary of the Board. He was asked to examine the state of North American medical education. He was to evaluate therapies being taught by all medical colleges and institutions.

His report was published in 1910. Under Flexner’s leadership, the GEB, together with the Carnegie Foun-dation and three years later the Rockefeller Foundation (1913) promoted a major program to reform medical education and produce a standard curriculum for medical practices, with the ultimate goal of controlling the pharmaceutical industry.

Flexner was a persuasive fundraiser, raising $600-700 million U.S. dollars from billionaires John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P.Morgan and many others, all millionaire businessmen.    Morgan financed the Titanic. Another conspiracy?    You bet.     Many of these men were also owners of American banks, such as Chase and the Federal Reserve.

Rockefeller’s goal was to dominate the oil, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets.     

Much of this money was donated to approved American medical  schools and  academic  psychiatric  depart-ments. The donors sat on boards and were able to influence the creation of regulations and licensing ‘red tape’ that strictly promoted drug medicine, while stifling natural remedies.

Flexner was trained in the natural sciences at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) and was grounded in laboratory  and the active pursuit of scientific experimentation.      www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543812/ 

The Johns Hopkins University has been sued $1 billion US dollars for its activities of 1946 in deliberately infecting with syphilis men and women in Guatamala, inmates from the local prison and patients at a mental asylum, as well as orphans, soldiers and prostitutes in the area, 1308 subjects in all. 

In 1847, the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed by Dr. Morris Fishbein MD.  He ran the AMA solely for the purpose of dominating medicine and discrediting anything he could not control. Later (1904) the Council of Medical Education (CME) was formed by the AMA, to assist the work of standardizing medicine according to the new guidelines.  The CME is regulated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. (ACCME).   

Fishbein wrote a report that was published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In summary it said, “… modern scientific medicine – as it has emerged…. has come to be challenged by a variety of competing  contemporary approaches within the medical marketplace...”  

He accused them all of “charlatanism” and “quackery”, and wanted to weed them from the modern canon of North American medicine. 

He advocated for the closing of nearly 80% of  all  the  contemporary programs  in  homeopathy, naturopathy, eclectic therapy, physical therapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and herbalism.  He had listed these in his report under the pejorative titles of the “medical sects” and stated that he openly aimed to “antagonize” them through his publications. The Truth about Cancer. Ty Bollinger p31.32.      

Fishbein and the AMA promoted the new scientific paradigm of medical education and research, saying that “other approaches were illegitimate and ‘non-scientific’.”    He took many to court, accusing them of “competing with scientific research” and using non-approved drugs. The medicines were not actually drugs, but natural treatments.  Calling them drugs is a practise that continues to this day.

Fishbein convinced the medical community through his propaganda that natural remedies were quackery.     Doctors who even suggested natural cures, had their licenses removed and medical files destroyed.

In 1930, Dr Royal Rife, a microbiologist used an electro-mechanical device to kill the vibration frequency  of  cancer  cells.   It did not harm other cells and was very successful.  It was made public by the ‘Los Angeles Times’.   

Some time later, Dr Rife was visited by Morris Fishbein representing the AMA.  He said, ‘Sell us your treatment or you will never be published again.’   He refused.  In a few days, the Federal Drug Association (FDA) arrived and destroyed all his equipment, hacking it to pieces with a sledgehammer.  His laboratory was burned down and his records stolen.  

In the 1940s, Harry Hoxsey founded the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas (USA) for treating cancer.   His medications were natural tonics to strengthen a patient’s immune system, as well as powders and pastes for external use to restore the body’s well-being.   

Hoxsey was arrested numerous times and gaoled.  He kept a roll  of  money  in  his  pocket  to  bail  himself  out.  The times he did stay in gaol, his patients brought him food, then they encircled the whole block, staying there until the authorities let Hoxsey out.

A representative of the AMA visited Hoxsey and wanted to buy his formula for treating cancer.  He was about to sign, but said, ‘You have to make this available to everybody.’  The answer was, ‘We may not make it available to anybody.  We may not use it even.’   Hoxsey replied, ‘Then I won’t sell it.’  Obviously the AMA wanted to bury it.   Hoxsey could no longer practise in the United States, so the Bio-Medical Center was opened in Tijuana, Mexico.

In  those days, only 20%  of natural  practitioners  were able  to  comply  with  Flexner’s  constraints  and  rules. 

Most had to shut down forever.

By 1923, all 10,000 Herbalists were out of a job. 

By 1940, 1500 Chiropractors could be prosecuted for quackery.  By 1950, all schools teaching Homeopathy were closed, likewise the Naturopaths and Osteopaths.   This was a great victory for the medical world.

If a doctor did not graduate from an approved medical school with a Flexner-approved MD degree, he could not find a job.

What about today?

Are alternative treatments fully accepted?   Can the doctor prescribe any natural treatments?

Drug Medication

During the Flexner era and beyond, a huge amount of state funding was given for biomedical research to find drugs from plants, and to build psychiatric hospitals and asylums, in what was called the ‘American Progressive Era’.   

The medical profession already had drugs, but it was necessary for the new medical paradigm to have new medicines.  As plants could not be patented, a compound was isolated that could be patented as a drug.

For instance, white willow bark contains ingredient salicin that eases pain. In 1828, the bitter yellow crystals were extracted from the plant, and in 1899, it was  patented  by  Felix  Hoffmann  and  Bayer  at  the German patent office, however, it was rejected.  But the American patent office was willing to patent it, with the trademark name of Aspirin. When in the plant, salicylic acid is in correct proportion, but when taken out, there are side effects.

After watching the experimentation on older men and women with a daily aspirin for a number of years, Dr William Campbell Douglas stated that “Aspirin users are more likely to develop kidney and colon  cancer…and  studies  have  shown  that  aspirin has no preventive effect on heart attacks.” Second Opinion. Box 84908. Phoenix. AR. 85071. USA.  This writer was personally offered a daily aspirin.  ‘We are experimenting with it against heart attack.’    The chemist told me I would need to take it for the rest of my life.  I declined.

Wholesome  foods can be  misjudged  by  considering only one of  their chemical  elements.  One of these is the  apricot kernel.  The kernels contain  cyanide, which  is  deadly when  taken  alone, but  when  they  are eaten whole, the plant safeguards from certain death.  Apricot kernels also contain amygdalin (often called laetrile or B17), which is used as a cancer cure.   Laetrile is banned in the United States, but is adminis-tered legally in several clinics, in Mexico, Germany and parts of Asia, usually administered intravenously in high doses.   Sixty years ago my own family put apricot kernels in bottled apricots.   My Dad lived to 100, and Mum 85.

In 2014, Jason Vale  was arrested  and convicted  to five years in a federal prison for selling an unapproved cancer treatment on his website, apricot kernels!

Drug companies are continually researching new drugs.

Astra Zeneca spent $12 US million for each of its 5 approved drugs. Amgen spent $3.7 US million on its 9 drugs. GlaxoSmithKline spent $8.170 US million on its 10 drugs.  Johnson & Johnson spent  $5.885 US million  on its 15 drugs, Pfizer  spent  $7.727 US million on its 14, and  Merck and Co Inc.  spent $4.209 US  on each  of its 16 approved drugs.  That is almost $31 US million for six drug companies! 

Dr Jonathan Wright, who has a clinic in Washington DC and a radio program, said, ‘These medications do not belong in the human body.’  Many drugs are manufactured in China and often contain substances that have never been tested on human beings.

Rockefeller not only achieved his goal for oil, but with his money backing the new medical paradigm, and his representatives on the boards, he was able to monopolise the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well.

Drugs  can  relieve  symptoms  of an illness, if the right drug is administered, but at times the side effects are similar to the illness.  If you read the list of side effects before taking a drug, you might be tempted to give it a miss.  But if a drug is the only alternative, just check the side effects.

A  doctor  who  gives  a  drug  for an illness  may be told by  his  patient,  ‘It makes me nauseous.’   He  will  give another drug to take away the nausea. ‘But doctor, now I am constipated’, and is told, ‘We’ll give you something for that’, and another drug is prescribed.  Then your blood pressure goes up and you are given another  drug.   ‘Oh doctor, I  have  such  an  incredible thirst.’ You are told, ‘We’ve got something for that…’  

If you think this is fiction, think again.   The writer of this book has experienced this very thing in 2011 while in hospital.  Many who are not in hospital are taking drug after drug.  It has been called the ‘drug treadmill’, and difficult to get off.

Drug company have representatives whose job it is to make money for the company.  This is not unusual, as  “Good drug reps move products”, no matter what the business.   They are known as ‘detail men’ as they give doctors information about a company’s new drugs, recruiting doctors to prescribe particular drugs.  Un-fortunately, at times there can be a bias towards selling the latest most expensive drugs. 

If a doctor agrees to ‘push’ a drug, they will receive benefits, and some doctors prescribe for this reason. It has stood up to research that doctors who received money prescribed  a higher percentage of brand-name

drugs overall than doctors who did not. As payments increased, brand-name prescribing rates tended to increase as well. public/6601840

Drug companies  have faced lawsuits  for not revealing safety data to the Food and Drug Administration, for selling anti-depressants (and  other drugs)  for purposes  for  which  they  were  not approved, for misreporting the prices  received for drugs on the open market to the Medicaid program, and other criminal offences.   In 2012, GlaxoSmithKline agreed  to  pay  a $3 US billion settlement for its criminal actions.  They were also found guilty of paying kickbacks to doctors. One fine was for paying millions of dollars to doctors to go on speaking tours to promote particular drugs.

Lawsuits have taken place for paying cash to doctors, but  doctors  still  eceive  money.  “It’s  illegal  to  give kickbacks to a doctor to prescribe drugs, but it is legal to give money to doctors to help promote your drug.” payment-prescribing-drug/2003-07

In the light of all this, your doctor may stay clear from this type of practise, but be aware that it does happen.  The problem is not that the doctor is making extra money, that is his business, but the drug may not be the best one for your particular illness.  If a drug is selected, ask questions. Is it a well-known brand name?  How long has it been in circulation?  Has it been tested over a long period of time, or is it the latest expensive drug?

How much do drugs cost?   

The cost of drugs to governments is phenomenal.  Myalept is $42,137 US for 1 vial.  Firazyr is $32,468 US for 2 syringes.  Daraprim is $45,000 US for six tablets.  As of 2015, more than 90 prescription drugs carried an annual price tag of more than $100,000 US.  Five of them are more than $400,000 US per year, just behind the top seven.  

This  is one of Donald Trump’s gripes  –  Why do they cost so much?

The  cost  of  the  drug  Daraprim, the primary treatment  for a serious parasite infection, costs to the customer, $750-800 US dollars per pill. What is even more amazing is that it is said Daraprim is not difficult to make. 

Derek Lowe, a medicinal chemist said, “The price of a drug  does  not depend  on the price  of its  ingredients, or the cost of its synthesis… Daraprim is generic medication… Any drug is not hard to make in the lab”, he said.   He does not represent the company he works for.

Dr Alice Williamson, a postdoctoral teaching fellow with Sydney Grammar’s University School of Chemistry said she could not stop dwelling on Daraprim’s price rise by the drug company from $11.50 US to $750 US overnight.  She said, “Why don’t we get students to make Daraprim in the lab… the route looks pretty simple… We could really show how ridiculous this price hike is and that there is no way it can be justified.”   The students made their work open to  the  internet, and  scientists  around  the  world were able to view all the data.   Each pill cost $2 to make.

Another powerful organisation is the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This organisation watches international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice, including safety, quality and fairness of the international food trade. 

During the 1900s, nine Nobel Prizes were awarded for the discovery  of  vitamins  that would  benefit  human  health. According to Dr Matthias Rath, a German medical doctor, in 1963, the German government, under pressure from Bayer, launched Codex Alimentarius with a goal of limiting access to vitamins worldwide for the benefit of health.   

Others say  it was  created  by two U.N. organisations, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).  The site below states that the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses began discussions on guidelines for vitamin and  mineral supplements in the 1990s, but that it has met every alternate year since 1966 in Germany, hosted by the German government.  Perhaps Dr Rath’s information is correct, but the information is being withheld.  Information from book  ‘The Truth about Cancer’ in an interview with Dr Rath by Ty Bollinger.  

Delegates to Codex meetings are organisations interested in the international trade of food, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO)  in  the  USA,  Food Safety and Inspection Service in the United States, Department of Agriculture in Australia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brazil, Department of Health in Canada and many others.

The National Health Federation (NHF) is the only organisation representing the health of people and animals at Codex meetings.  They often have huge struggles with the drug companies when making a stand against a health issue.

In July 2018, the drug company Merck & Co. Inc. intro-duced its new drug for animals called Zilmax.  The drug’s purpose was to build muscle, adding extra weight for sale. The National Health Federation objected, saying it’s effects were 125 times more deadly than Ractopamine.  Merck lost, and the drug was rejected.  NHF newsletter. May 22. 2017.

For  some  years,  the   word ‘biofortified’  has  been  used  by Monsanto about their GM products. The word ‘biofortified’ was presented to Codex by Monsanto with the request to add it to labels of GM products.  

The word ‘bio’ means ‘life’ and the word is understood to mean the food is fortified with life-giving agents. In Europe the word ‘bio’ means ‘organic’.   Monsanto wants to redefine the world to include GM foods. 

At the 2016 meeting, the  chairwoman  suggested  the word  should  be  made  as  broad as possible, and  by the 2017 meetings it had morphed to include GM foods.  In November 2018, the NHF objected in writing to Codex for the inclusion of the word ‘biofortified’ on GM products.  It is yet to be decided by Codex.  The NHF newsletter.  20/11/2018.  LATEST  NEWS – Monsanto’s request has not been granted.  The motion was LOST.  Great News from the NHF June 2019.

Vigilance is needed in many areas.

Sadly, many men and women are dropping dead every day from medically-prescribed drugs.  Reports are very high for opioid overdose – 100 deaths every day in the US -- 40% from prescription painkillers.  Another report said that each year in the US, ‘adverse drug events’ (ADE) account for nearly 700,000 emergency visits and 100,000 hospitalisations. primers/primer/23/Medication-Errors-and-Adverse-Drug-Events 

Even worse is how many people have died from medical errors, wrong medication, incorrect doses, delays in administered medication.  These are said to be No.3 cause of death in the United States.

The writer of this booklet had an experience of wrong medication while in hospital some years back.  Most nurses ask the name and birthdate each time medication is given, but one day a nurse raced in and said, ‘Here  is your  medicine.’   I  was  accustomed  to  my medication and asked, ‘What is it?’  She told me and I said, ‘Its not mine.’   It turned out to be for the lady in the other bed.  

My brother was given an antibiotic, which the chemist had written, ‘Take four times a day’.   My brother told the doctor it was hard to remember to take it that often.  The doctor was shocked, ‘But the prescription says once a day.’  My brother was okay, and the chemist was sacked. 

In 1995, the Australian Minister for Health announced in Parliament that 18,000 patients had died that year from medical errors.  Another site said “between 18,000 and 54,000 Australians are killed each year by their medical treatment. 

The official description is ‘iatrogenic death’, or medical errors.  “These  are  just  the  ones  we know about, as nobody  keeps  accurate  figures.  Medical  error  is not isolated to just the acutely ill or the critically injured.  Its about the unlucky thousands who trusted the medical system and died….”

The  Article  concludes, “Speak up!   Put  bad  doctors  out  of business.  While YOU remain quiet, rogue medicos’  misdeeds  remain  quiet,  and THEIR  mal-practice continues unabated.”

This person is not against drugs, but against bad doctors, but even good doctors make mistakes.  It pays to ask questions, and it pays to understand your medication.  No one should have to die from ‘iatrogenic death’.  

It is sad enough to lose a loved one when they die of an illness, but to die from a medical mistake is a tragedy that would be hard to forget.

Think and Ask Questions

Do drugs heal disease?   No, drugs do not heal disease. Only nature heals, providing there is a good immune system.  Certain drugs suppress the immune system, which is not good for a sick person. 

Certainly, there are emergency situations where drugs can assist in saving a life, including antibiotics.  There is a need for doctors, as they can diagnose an illness and can work in emergency situations.  They also have medical equipment for testing. 

There is also a need for surgeons.  Emergencies and accidents happen, but this discussion is about everyday medication, even though some diseases may be very serious.  

There is  no suggestion  not to visit the doctor’s office, clinic or hospital, but think first.  Is this the only way?    Sometimes there is no known alternative, and a person must subscribe to medication.   Even then, do your own research of the subject so you can ask intelligent questions.

Too many people never question their doctor.  Instead they trust his every word.  ‘My doctor knows….  He has studied in medical school. He is qualified.’   

He may be a good man, but his training is drug medication.  She may desire your well-being, but is only permitted to prescribe drugs as medication.  Remember, this is their training.   It does not make them bad people. 

There  is  no  question  that  the  majority  of  men  and women go into medicine to help people get well, but  their training has been designed by the Carnegie-Rockefeller-Flexner-Fishbein group to administer drugs.  It was to be drug-orientated back then, and it remains the same today.  

Medical schools give very little time to the place of nutrition in healing, and yet it is the condition of the body and the immune system that prepares the way for healing.

According to the Hippocratic  Oath,  the   doctor swears  to help the sick, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. The Oath states, “Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.”   Another version states in part, “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”

Today some doctors do not remember taking the oath, others think it a right of passage, while still others think it is irrelevant.  Some universities use a modern version which does not include anything like the above.

It is time we began asking questions, and not think the only way to get well is to take drugs prescribed by the doctor.   

There is another option.   It is attributed to Hippocrates to have said, ”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”   It is not believed  by  many  people,  but  if  you  include  herbs, leaves and other parts of plants it is true.

In 1981, the writer of this booklet was in California sitting with the owner of a health retreat.  At Lake Shasta I had seen a girl with a bad case of poison oak and  was telling  the owner  of her badly  swollen arms and face.  He looked at the bush in front of us and said, ‘She should have taken some leaves from the manzanita and made a tea, putting some on her arms and her face, and drinking the rest.’  

I thought at the time, ‘Wow, maybe there is a cure for everything in nature.’

Unfortunately, the  medical  profession  is  tied  to  drug medication and at least in the United States, a doctor is not permitted to mention natural treatments, lest his license is revoked.   She may well know what should be done to assist healing, but cannot divulge any natural remedy for fear of being reported.

Your health is your responsibility.  My health is mine.  It is not the doctor’s responsibility.

Yes, there is an alternative, but men and women working in the field of natural medicine are also hindered.  According to the medical authorities, they do not administer approved medications, and at any time, their practice can be shut down.  

In the natural realm, it is almost impossible to get a patent for a health treatment.  There may well be years of research, but the big money is not available.  Grants are not given for this type of research.

There are good men and women  in the drug industry too, but most have never questioned the drugs they make and sell.  Dr Subrata Chakravarty was in a meeting of the drug company he worked  for  when  he  heard the  words, ‘We  must  make  the shareholders happy.’ 

The doctor thought to himself, ‘I don’t want to make shareholders happy.  I want to find cures for people.’   The Truth about Cancer. Chp 1.

Tara Mann had worked for a drug company many years.  She was  a phlebotomist, working  in the lab-oratory  studying  blood  samples.  Her whole  life  had been involved in drug medicine, including her mother who was a nurse.  

One day Tara  happened  to  see  a documentary on natural treatment.  It interested her and she began researching.  She said to herself, ‘Everyone should know this’, and  wondered if they knew it at work, but questioned, ‘Would they want to hear about it?’  

Continuing her research, Tara visited a natural clinic.  ‘Is it really true people are being healed?’   She was told, ‘Go through our files.’   As Tara randomly scanned the files, she saw that patient after patient had been healed.  It was so different from her work where patient after patient died. Those patients had paid big money, but they died, and many from the treatment.  The ones who lived, only lasted five years. 

Tara left her job and with  her  husband  began  a non-profit organisation to help people with cancer.  The Truth about Cancer p35.

In the United States and Europe, natural doctors are little by little being eliminated.  Even in Australia. 

In December 2018, Barbara O’Neill, a qualified naturopath who lectures on health, has had a restraining order placed upon her by the NSW government Health Care Complaints Commission. The complaint was made by the Australian Sceptics Association.  The charge did not violate the HCCC’s code.  An appeal is in progress.    Feb 2019. Information given me by her husband.

In the United States, in May 1992, Dr Jonathan Wright’s medical clinic  was raided by police wielding guns.  The AMA had told the county sheriff the clinic was selling drugs.  The truth was that they were selling vitamins and minerals for the treatment of illness, but the AMA called these drugs. 

The sheriff and his men kicked down the door just before 9.00am, and herded the employees into a corner. Then they proceeded to seize equipment, medical records, payroll records and banking details.  Everything was taken.  

The case went to a grand jury, but after 18 months no decision had been made.   After another 18 months, and there was still nothing.  No indictments.  It was announced in the newspapers that the court was closing the investigation.   

Dr Wright  and his attorney did not know  until  they  read it in the newspaper.  No property or records were returned. The doctor and his staff did their best to reconstruct the records from former patients and banking details.

Dr Richard Schulze was qualified in Herbology in the United States.  He graduated from the Natural Healing School in Utah founded by Dr John Ray Christopher, a Doctor of Herbology, Herbal  Pharmacist  and  Master Herbalist.

After some years teaching Herbology, Schulze opened the first Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine clinic in New York.  Several years later he moved to California where he treated patients successfully for 20 years with herbal medicines.

In 1994, Dr Schulze’s clinic was shut down.  He had protested in Washington about the  deadly  practises  of the drug industry, and was physically beaten and gaoled.  He decided the best way to conquer the drug industry was to educate people about the body’s healing powers, and the healing power of food and herbs. He still sells his tinctures and products, but without consultations.

Dr Schulze  received  an  interesting letter  from  a  very angry doctor. “Dear Dr. Schulze, I first want to advise you that you’re  an idiot!  You disgust me, thinking that you can cure people with your little herbs and witchcraft crap!    Stop giving people hope  that cancer and other diseases are curable because they’re not!   I have  been  a medical doctor  for 50 years and I have plenty of healthy patients that rely on me and the medical field…. I’M SICK OF YOU RUINING MY BUSINESS!...”   

Of course  this doctor has the right to his opinion, but his letter is very revealing.  Doctors in the field of natural medicine have seen hundreds of patients healed of cancer.

More History

On December 25, 1925, eight leading German chemical manufacturers, including Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, merged into one company, constituting the largest chemical enterprise in the world.  It was called I.G. Farben.   All information in this section from various websites, as shown below.  It has been greatly abbreviated for space.

This company produced high-performance fuels, including aviation, gasoline  and  fuel  oil for naval use,  various  plastics, synthetic fibres, stabilising agents, resins, methanol, nitrogen, dyestuffs,  explosives, sulfuric acid,  poisonous gas,  magnesium, nickel, gun powder and pharmaceuticals. 

In 1936, Hitler had a Four-Year Plan  to put the entire German industry on a war-footing, and contact between Farben and the German government became very  close.   Farben’s  products were an indispensable element in the Nazi drive to re-arm, and this alliance further  enhanced  Farben’s influence.    World War  II could not have taken place without I.G. Farben.

The managers of Farben wanted a dictatorship long before Hitler came to power that would “dominate the entire European chemical industry, if possible also out- side of Europe.” Before Hitler had seized power, Farben had entered agreements with him  for  govern-ment  support  to expand its synthetic gasoline facilities.

In 1926,  I.G. Farben entered  into  a  non-competition  arrangement with Standard Oil of New Jersey (Jersey Standard/ Rockefeller) for oil and chemicals, also agreeing to cooperate in the development of synthetic rubber through Jersey Standard.   Investigations by the Justice Department of the Truman Committee after the war, found that Standard Oil patents were withheld from the US Navy and supplied to the Nazis. 

Standard Oil was also supplying the Luftwaffe and German Navy gasoline and tetraethyl-lead through I.G. Farben.  General Motors was also implic- ated in another deal with Standard Oil and the Nazis.  Henry Ford and Paul Warburg were on the board of the American branch of IG Farben. Read the full report.  

A new Farben installation plant was proposed, and it was  decided  to locate  it  at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Upper Silisia, a province of Poland, but with portion in Germany  and the Czech Republic.  It was close to the coal mines, and there was an excellent rail link. 

The main reason for the location was because a new camp was being constructed in which could be held a cheap work force of 10,000 prisoners. The I.G. Farben chemical manufacturing plant would utilize this slave labour.   The Truth about Cancer by Ty Bollinger, interviewing German doctor, Dr Matthias Rath.    

Another chemical plant that produced synthetic oil and rubber (from coal) in Buna, made use of 83,000 slave labourers at its peak in 1944, mainly Jews. (Also Slavs)

Along with the  Army High Command, Farben was  planning to build a third, state-financed, plant complex, to supply  precursor agents  for chemical  weapons  to the nerve gas plant built in Dyhernfurth. Production of the nerve agent Tabun, an extremely toxic chemical substance, was loaded into aerial bombs and artillery shells. In 1936, Farben was producing 350 metric tons a month.   

The company produced other chemical weaponry, suchas Sarin, twice as toxic as Tabun.  In 1943, the German military approved construction of an entirely new factory at Falkenhagen, outside of Berlin, for producing Sarin, as a chemical warfare agent.

The slave work force was miserably treated.  At first the plant managers protested against the maltreatment of the prisoners and their poor physical condition, but eventually they had to go along with SS policy, in order to speed up the work. 

Prisoners  who  became  too  sick  to  work were ‘taken care’ of in the gas chamber.   Farben owned the patent for the Zyklon-B used to gas prisoners.   The chimneys filled the air with smoke twelve months before Hitler came to power.

Over the course of the war, thousands of inmates died of toxic exposure, overwork, disease, malnutrition and the gas chamber.In the middle of 1942, a new section of the concentration camp, known as Auschwitz–Monowitz, was established to house prisoners working for Farben. This would save the daily march to and from the main Auschwitz camp.  

At this time, Dr. Joseph Mengel was experimenting in Auschwitz  with medications designated  B-1012, B-103, 3382 or Rutenol.  The helpless people were  first infected  through  pills,  powdered  substances, injections or enemas.  Many of the medications caused the victims to vomit or have bloody diarrhoea. In most cases they died.

In  the  Auschwitz  files,  correspondence  between  the  camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered, dealing with the sale of 150 female prisoners for experimental purposes.  He objected to paying 200 RM (Reichsmark) for the women, but agreed upon 170 RM. 

The  following  letter  was  on  file, “The  experiments  were performed. All test persons died. We will contact you shortly about a new shipment…”  

The test prisoners  were  in  bad  physical  condition,  caused  by  forced labour, insufficient and bad nutrition, diseases in the concentration camp, and bad sanitary conditions in the laboratories.  Finally the drug concoctions put them to death, giving them relief from the torture. The scientific value of all these experiments, was zero.

During  the  Nuremberg  War SS Trials, Dr. Hoven  MD testified the following:  “It should  be  generally  known, and especially in German scientific  circles,  that  the SS  did  not have notable scientists at its disposal.”  

He continued, “It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IGF preparations (pharmaceuticals) only took place in their own interests,  which  strived  by all  means  to  determine  the effectiveness of these preparations.”

Scientific experiments were also done in other concentration camps.  I.G. Farben employee, SS major Dr. Helmuth Vetter MD, was stationed in several con-centration camps, and he participated in these experiments by order of Bayer.

After the War, the conglomerate was broken up into its original three major component parts, Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst, who formed themselves into a cartel.

The final I.G.F. Liquidation Act of the 21 January 1955, removed all the remaining restrictions imposed by the Allies. Many  of  the  Farben  top officials  were soon again in leading positions in the German chemical industry.

A court of the Federal Republic of Germany in a 1953 decision established the principle that a Jewish prisoner who had been forced to work for IGF in Monowitz had a right to sue the company for compensation.   Thanks to the agitation of a Jewish Claims Conference.

In the wake of this decision, and after prolonged negotiations, the residual company IGF in Liquidation agreed to put 27 million deutschmarks  at  the disposal  of the Jewish Material Claims Conference to cover the claims of all Jewish forced labourers and prisoners who had been compelled to work at Monowitz.

The payment  was made  on a purely  voluntary  basis and was not to be classed as an admission of guilt. I.G.Farben did not pay any compensation to non-Jewish forced labourers and prisoners.      

Many of the Nazi scientists were hired fresh out of prison to run the vaccine industry and work for U.S. pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. military.   It was only ten years earlier that these men had tortured Jews in concentration camps.  Now they were in charge and  developing  vaccines and  pharmaceuticals  for Americans who would soon become very sick and in need of expensive care.

The Library of Congress reveals that there were twelve War Crime Tribunals, although  the public  is generally told of one.  The trial against I.G. Farben was No.6. against 24 managers of the company. Until today Bayer, BASF and Hoechst have not apologised for their crimes against humanity. 

It is hard  to accept  that after the war  these companies  were allowed to keep I.G.Farben’s entire property to continue making chemicals and pharmaceuticals. 

The three companies mentioned above were all founded in Germany in the 1800s, and all three became international companies.  

Today Hoechst  is in the business  of fluorescent dyes and stains for labelling DNA; BASF is in construction work and building chemicals, as well as a vegetable seed business called Nunhems. 

Bayer is still in pharmaceuticals, one of the larger chemical and pharmaceutical companies in the world.  The company  works in imaging  and radiology, magnetic resonance, angiography, computer tomography, including the sale of approximately 130 drugs.    No doubt all the original staff have retired or died by now, and the current staff would not feel responsible for the war crimes.

Bayer has now purchased Monsanto for $66 billion US dollars.  It has been said, “Monsanto is about to disappear. Everything will stay exactly the same.”  Instead of Monsanto Roundup, it will be Bayer Roundup, but with no changes to the product, and it will still contain glyphosate.  Bayer’s Crop Science will continue selling genetically modified seeds and pesticides. There are no plans to change the focus on GMOs and pesticides.  

Tjarg Kunstreich, a spokesman for the Auschwitz Committee, said, “Although many other German companies were involved in these sort of practices, I.G. Farben became a symbol.  To allow it to continue to exist is a monstrosity.”

Cancer Cure

Cancer is known as the ‘dreaded disease’. The accepted treatment is chemotherapy and radiation, but are they really cures? 

Or is this another conspiracy?  

The American Cancer Society (ACS) was established in 1913 as a volunteer organisation to search for a cancer cure.  In 1926, John D. Rockefeller Jnr., son of the founder of the pharmaceutical industry, contributed $125.000 US to the society.   The Rockefeller Trust also donated to Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins University and all the other main American universities.  In 1915, the Supreme Court tried to stop the Rockefeller “illegal drug racketeering”, but even though the trust was ordered to be dismantled, the Rockefellers were “already above the law.”

The Cancer Society has many supporters and financial backers, including celebrities and organisations, such as Red Cross,  Elton John AIDS Foundation,  Save the Children, Make-a-Wish Foundation, UNICEF, American Heart Association, Entertainment Industry Foundation, Motion picture and Television Fund Foun-dation, St Jude’s Children Research Hospital. 

Perhaps as a voluntary organisation, there was a desire for a cancer cure, but after working for over 100 years and there is still no cure for cancer, one wonders if it is still the aim of the Society. 

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the AMA are all partners in cancer research.       

The American Cancer Society has invested more than $4.6 US billion in research since 1946.  “To accelerate progress against cancer – all cancers – we will double our annual research investment to $250 US million a year by 2021.”   

A site  called  ‘Healthcare in America’  states,  “Cancer treatment is an extremely lucrative multi-billion dollar industry.  If a cure for cancer  were found  that industry  would collapse.  Treating cancer is far more lucrative than curing it. 

We have been plowing (US, ploughing) billions upon billions of dollars into cancer research for many decades now and most of that money has gone into finding obscenely expensive treatments for cancer, rather than an actual cure for it….

“If cancer researchers want that flow of money to continue it is in their best interest not to find a cure… The current medical establishment sees cancer patients in terms of dollar signs.” WhiteFeather9/cancer-treatment-is-an-extremely-lucrative-multi-billion-dollar-industry-fcb2d315b1e1

“When you are diagnosed with cancer, you are suddenly worth $300,000 to the cancer industry.”

Either  the  money  is  to  find  a  cancer  cure,  or  it is to keep scientists and researchers in a job.   We are told  each  drug  takes  approximately seven to twelve years to  research and produce for market, so a  lot of money is needed to keep the science lab technicians in  their  job.  With the  number  of  drugs  available,  it boggles the mind to realise how many men and women must be working in the field of cancer research.

Dr John Diamond MD said, “Finding a cure for cancer is absolutely contraindicated by the profits of the cancer industry’s chemotherapy, radiation and surgery cash trough.”  Ibid.

The American Nobel laureate James Watson declared that the “war on cancer” is a total fraud.  He said that the American public had been sold a “nasty bill of goods about cancer.” cancer_options.aspx

Are these men right?

The writer of the quote from  “Healthcare in America’  tells  of his  own  experience.  “Six  years  ago  I  was  diagnosed  with advanced cancer and was told by my doctor that I had between six months and a year to live…  

The doctor went on to tell me that I needed to undergo a year of chemotherapy.  He gave me three sheets of paper that listed all the side effects of the chemotherapy.  

“Undergoing chemo essentially meant that I would be gravely ill for the next year, guaranteed, and that, even if I survived the cancer, I might not survive the chemotherapy.  And it would cost me almost a hundred grand.  I asked the doctor what the odds  were  that  chemotherapy  would  help  me  heal from the cancer and extend my life.  He said the chemotherapy gave me about  a  10%  better  chance  of  surviving.   10%!   I gave the doctor back his papers  and told him  that  I was declining any further treatment and I walked out of the hospital.   Now,  six years  later, I am  still 100% cancer-free.”

The Cancer Society works in a number of areas, including the detection of cancer, but as these all involve radiation, they potentially dangerous, and in some cases can give a person cancer.   Even a mammogram can be carcinogenic.

The reviews written by women taking drugs for breast cancer are heart-breaking.  The top drug is Tamoxifen, which has since 1996, been known to be a carcinogen.

One patient wrote of Tamoxifen.  “I was diagnosed for stage 2-positive  breast  cancer,  and  October of 2017  I went through chemo as well as radiation chemo, which was a horrible radiation that my body tolerated 4 months ago.  I was introduced to this drug Tamoxifen.  I’ve been feeling horrible ever since.  I feel like I have had a stroke on my right side, my brain hurts.  I have trouble thinking even completing daily tasks. I wake up to dizzy spells and hot flashes, blurred  vision, change in colour vision, stomach pain, headache, vaginal discharge.  Bone pain.  Loss of interest in sex.  Trouble  with  sleeping.  I  will not continue treatment, its not worth it.”

The second most popular drug is Arimidex, and the reviews are just as sad. One lady wrote, “Taking Arimidex for just short of four years.  Horrible bone and joint pain.  Pain meds leave me unable to function.  Insomnia, shortness of breath, chest pains.  Thousands of dollars on tests that show nothing. I was treated like a nut case.  Oncologist finally said stop taking  it, but  gave   me   nothing   for   pain.  Trip  to  ER,  prescribed

Oxycodone which works, but knocks me out and grog continues for two days after taking it!  My Oncologist  says  recurrence  is 8%  without Arimidex, 5% with it.  I will not continue this torture for a mere 3%. This is no way to live.”

Another lady has been on this drug for 12 years, although the recommended length of time appears to be five years, with a follow-up of two additional years.  

When you look at the side effects  listed for these two drugs, most ladies appear to be having every one of them, and yet the site says not all are listed.   Are they worse?  

What about chemotherapy?

In 1943, during World War II, German bombers attacked and caught the allies by complete surprise.  Twenty eight allied ships were sunk.  One of them had a secret cargo of 2000 mustard  gas  bombs  in  case  of a German  chemical  warfare attack.

The destruction released nitrogen mustard into the air and water, and 628 service personnel and many civilians developed mustard poisoning. It took six weeks to die a horrible death.  

Under autopsy it was discovered that changes had taken place in  the  bone  marrow  and  lymph tissue.   Laboratory tests revealed  that  it  significantly  reduced  white blood cell counts, and they  wondered  if it could be used to halt the growth of rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells.  Ultimately Mustine (also called Mustargen) was developed, and still used today.   This is only one of hundreds of chemo drugs, of which I roughly counted 366.

Of course, the fact that the first chemotherapy drug came from a chemical warfare agent does not mean all chemotherapy  drugs  are  from  the same  source, but they all have side effects.  

Dr Ulrich Abel, was a German epidemiologist and biostatistician.  In the 1980s, he contacted over 350 medical centres  around the world requesting  them to furnish him with all they had published on cancer.

In 1990, he wrote his report, “Success of most chemotherapies is appalling… There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which account for 80% of all cancers, in a scientific wasteland.”   Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer. Stuttgart. 1990. It was reviewed by the German magazine Der Spiegel.   

This is an honest research report.

Not only is chemotherapy toxic to tumours as well as healthy cells, but also to those who administer them.  Due to inadvertent spills, chemotherapy drugs have been found on floors, counter tops, knobs, keyboards, printers, computers and garbage cans.   Most chemo is genotoxic, meaning that it interacts with genes (DNA) and causes mutations.   Genetic mutations are a known risk factor for developing cancer.

The ‘Seattle Times’ carried the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of 20 years.  She had spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs.  Sue died in 2010 from exposure to toxic chemotherapy drugs on the job.  Studies by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration do not regulate exposure to these  toxins  in  the  workplace, but  studies reaching  back  to  the  1970s  have  linked  increased rates of certain cancers to and physicians.  Seattle Times. July 2010.

If it does this to doctors and nurses who are well, what must it do to the sick?

Dr Glenn  Warner  (died 2000), was  one  of  the  most highly qualified cancer specialists in the United States, and he used alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success.  Speaking of the US cancer treatments, he said, ‘We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain.  Their idea of research is to see whether two doses  of this poison  is better  than three doses of that poison.”  

If you look at the side effects of chemotherapy, it destroys  the  cancer cells  of  the  tumour, but  it  also destroys healthy cells, such as skin, hair, mouth, intestinal tract, intestines and bone marrow. 

It  also destroys  white blood cells  which are the cells that attack viruses and germs. Without the white blood cells, the body is extremely susceptible to illness or infection as there is no immunity. 

Patients who do not die from the chemotherapy often die from other diseases.   Without a healthy immune system, germs or viruses invade the body and there is no defence.

It is recommended  by health retreats and others,  that  taking  a  sauna or steam bath, or even a hot and cold shower for 3 minutes hot, then ½ minute cold, will increase the white blood cells.  It is a form of hydrotherapy that stimulates the blood circulation, as well as assisting in the formation of important white blood cells.  Canadian Indians would jump into hot water springs, then roll themselves in the snow.

Dr Charles Simone was President Reagan’s personal oncologist.  At one time he was secretly put in the back of a grocery truck and made his entrance into the president’s residence (the white house) through the backdoor where deliveries were made.  He met with some of the top oncologists in the country, and he plied them with a lot of questions. 

One question was, ‘Knowing the odds for a successful outcome using chemotherapy are nil in many cancer cases, why do you continue to prescribe chemotherapy?’

The answer,  ‘We give it to patients  so they won’t give up hope and fall into the hands of quacks.’

Men and women  who live  through chemotherapy  suffer greatly from the treatment and often for weeks, months, even years.  Losing their hair is the least of the symptoms.  

Please note.  Chemotherapy does destroy the cells in the tumour, but it does not destroy all the wayward stem cells  that  caused the cancer in the first place.  These are still circulating in the body and sooner or later, if nothing has changed to assist the health of the person, another tumour will form somewhere else.

Read the last paragraph again, especially if you have had chemotherapy.

According to the International Wellness Directory, “By shrinking tumors, chemotherapy encourages stronger cancer cells to grow and multiply, and become chemo resistant.  Then there are the new cancers caused by chemotherapy, or secondary cancers.  This quaint side effect is often overlooked in the lists of side effects in a drug’s accompanying literature, though you can find this information quite easily at the National Cancer Institute.”

The National Cancer Institute states under the question – What are secondary malignancies?  “A secondary malignancy is a new cancer that occurs in an individual as a result of previous treatment with radiation or chemotherapy.  Secondary cancers may occur months or years after treatment and are a consequence or side effect of the initial cancer treatment…”

On the same site, under the question -- What causes secondary cancers?  “In addition to treating cancer, chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy are also carcinogenic, which means they can cause cancer.”    Ibid.

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute stated, “If tumors originate from just a few errant stem cells, it might explain why many treatments that reduce tumor mass fail to cure patients of cancer. Generally, these treatments target fast growing cells, which might leave the slow cycling stem cells untouched. Because they may be relatively protected from current treatment strategies, cancer stem cells are thought to be responsible for resistance to chemotherapy and the recurrence of disease.”

Dr. Daniel Bowles MD, clinical and translational investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center compares cancer treatment to attacking a weed.

Maybe what's happening is the therapies are exfoliating the plant but not affecting the root.  In this conceptualisation, cancer therapies may kill the bulk of the cells that make up a tumor, but unless they affect the cancer stem cells - the "root" - the tumor may return.  When  you  treat a tumor  and  it's  gone  for  a couple of years and then comes back, it's likely that a population of cancer stem cells survived treatment. These stem cells can then restart the cancer much later."

Once chemotherapy treatment has begun, the cancer cells that survive will be more resistant to the treatment and more aggressive.   

The doctor or surgeon might say, ‘The tumour is decreasing.’   It sounds encouraging.  At the conclusion he might say, ‘We got it all’.   It could be true for the tumour itself, but errant stem cells will still be alive elsewhere, as they are more robust than ordinary cells. 

To another patient the surgeon will say, ‘I am sorry, the chemo hasn’t worked.’  Unfortunately, this must be said to 95% of the patients.  With  a  5%  success  rate, a lot of people do not have a successful outcome.   The percentage varies between 3%, 5% and 7%.

Dr  Alan  C. Nixon,  past  president   of  the  American Chemical Society wrote, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensive to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”   Ibid.

According to Dr Charles Mathe, French cancer specialist, “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center.   Only cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance.”

Dr Hardin Jones, former professor at the University of California reported, in ‘The Ecologist’, “After analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, patients are as well, or better off untreated.”  His statement has never been refuted.  Ibid.   According to Dr Jones, chemotherapy is completely ineffective in about 97% of cases.

In 1996, a friend had bowel cancer.  He asked about chemo and the doctor said, ‘It will kill you.’  He declined treatment, worked on it naturally and became cancer-free.

When a Sloan-Kettering chemotherapist  found out he had advanced cancer, he told his colleagues, ‘Do anything you want, but no chemotherapy.’

“If a person dies during a chemotherapy study, that information is NOT included in the write up because the patient did NOT complete the study.”  In other words, if a large proportion (or any portion) of the patients die and are not recorded, the remaining figures will look better. 

This gives misinformation to the public. 

When a doctor says chemotherapy must be done immediately or the cancer will spread, the patient becomes fearful and often treatment is organised on the spot.  The truth is that the cancer has been growing, even as long as seven years, before it has been detected.  There are some very aggressive and fast-growing cancers, but generally they are slow.  

If a doctor says you must start chemotherapy, radiotherapy or have an operation ‘in a hurry’, there is no time to think, pray, research an alternative, even discuss it with family.  It is important to talk to your family and friends to consider if this is the best option.

What about radiation?

Radiotherapy can be external or internal. For external radiation, high doses of radiation are beamed in a certain area to kill the cancer cells, or slow their growth by damaging their DNA.  If they are damaged beyond repair, they will die, break down and be removed from the body.  Damaged cells will continue dying for weeks or months after radiation.  Unlike chemotherapy, this type of radiation is directed to the specific area that has the cancer.

Internal radiation  puts the radiation  inside the body in solid or liquid form.  It can be taken by mouth, a skin application or injected into a muscle, vein or artery.  The radioactive substance travels throughout the body, and generally collects in the area of the tumour.”  Radiation will work better with certain chemotherapy drugs, but the side effects are far worse.   

Dr. Bhadrasain  Vikram  MD, chief  of  Clinical  Radiation Oncology Branch at the National Cancer Institute said, “Patients  who  miss  radiation therapy sessions during cancer treatment have an increased risk of their disease returning, even if they eventually complete  their  course  of  radiation  treatment… If you miss treatments, the outcome is not going to be as good.”

Dr Stanislaw Burzyski had a medical clinic in Texas for treating  patients  naturally.   He  said, “It  is  not  easy treating advanced cancer patients because you are continually being harassed for doing this… We are saving the lives of people who were going to die.”   Interview in The Truth about Cancer. Ty Bollinger.

Dr Burzyski had been harassed for three years by the Texas  Medical Board  and lawyers.   He asked them, ‘Why am I being harassed?’  ‘Because your treatments are not standard.’   ‘But you gave the patient up to die and they become cancer-free with my treatment.’  ‘We don’t  care whether the  patient  lives  or  not.   That’s irrelevant.  It’s not part of the Standard Code.’

Summing it up, Dr Burzyski said, ‘So the people can die under your treatment and its okay.  But when they live and are free of cancer under my treatments, it is not okay?’  The reply, ‘Your treatment is not approved.’

The  case  went  to  court  in  an  effort  to  revoke  Dr Burzyski’s medical license.  It lasted 15 years, but was

finally dismissed. This was a victory for natural medicine, but a sad loss for people who could have received treatment.

Dr Tullio Simoncini, who has also been harassed said, ‘They tried to shut me down in any way. Yes.   Because  you  know – tell  me  one  big  revolutionary discovery  that is  not shut down. Tell me one.   There is no chance.  There is no possibility to escape….  So any discovery, big true discovery, makes the old system useless because we live in a medieval status.”  The Truth about Cancer. Ty Bollinger.

In Australia, Dr Cham  discovered a cure for  all types of skin cancers and sarcomas.   He had it made under the name BEC-5, and sold it over the counter.  After 70,000 patients had been cured, the Australian Society of Dermatology (ASD) complained, and the Therapeutic  Goods  Administration  (TGA)  took  the cream  and  put  it on prescription. It was then unavail-able, even to dermatologists. It is not listed on the cancer cures. It is called Curaderm.   Another cream is Carcelin.

Frankincense and sandalwood are said on the site below to treat cancers, topically and internally.   Some  say  essential  oils  should never be taken internally.  You must research this if you are thinking of doing it.  Pure essential oils are expensive;  some cheaper  ones  contain  fillers.  Prices vary greatly.     

The site below says a good castor oil can be used topically for skin cancers, as it penetrates the skin like the essential oils.

Another suggestion from the ‘Natural Remedies Encyclopedia’ by Vance
Ferrell and Harold M Chorne MD p618, said a thin slice of raw garlic will remove a skin cancer, repeated over 3 days or more if necessary.  All suggestions are for educational purposes, and are tried at your own risk. 

None are guaranteed.  Professional medical diagnosis is essential.

In 1998, David Olson had a tumour in his oesophagus, liver, kidney, lymph nodes, under his arms and groin, and a tumour in his stomach the size of a volley ball.  His doctor said to him, ‘You have three days or three months to live.  The last guy we treated like you made it three days.’

David was told he needed an extremely big surgery. He responded that he did not like the odds, but that at least the procedure would cure him.  The doctor replied, ‘There is no cure’.  David asked why he would want to undergo such a massive surgery and profusion (chemotherapy) treatment if it was not going to cure him.   The doctor said he was just telling him the truth and trying to give him some more time.

Then David said, ‘You don’t know if the cancer is going to kill me in that time.  I could walk outside and be hit crossing the road.  And anyway, God can heal me.’  

The doctor scoffed and pointing his finger directly in his  face  said, ‘Young man, I am your only hope.  The time is short.  If you do not decide to have the surgery and profusion, I don’t want to have you as a patient.’  David  answered, “I  will  make  it  easy  for you.  I don’t want you for my doctor’, and he walked out.

David then went elsewhere for a second opinion and received the same prognosis from seventeen doctors.   What should he do now?  Two days later, he walked into the Biomedical Center in Tijuana Mexico. Everyone at the clinic gave David great hope of healing, and he was given their strongest natural medication.  

During the treatment David never missed a day off work, and  he  was  healed  of  all  his cancers.  He re-turned yearly for check-ups and eight years later, at the time of the interview, he was still cancer free.

Franco Gallinaro was diagnosed with a rare abdominal cancer.  His doctor said he would surely die.  Franko sought out the foremost specialist in the world for this type of cancer and had many tests.  The specialist said, ‘There is good news and there is bad news.  The only way to deal with this type of cancer is surgery and chemotherapy.’ 

He then told Franko he would cut him from sternum to pubis to remove his appendix, gall bladder, spleen, a portion of his liver, part of his colon, remove the rectum, strip the upper and lower omentum (which encases the liver), and then he would perform a profusion, which is to bathe the remaining organs in a heated chemotherapy treatment  to burn any  cancerous  cells remaining in the abdominal cavity. 

Franko’s doctor said, ‘The chemotherapy will be extensive, taking about 12-14 hours, and there is a chance of dying on the operating table, or dying a week or two after the surgery from excessive bleeding, staph infection, or other complications.’

Franko did not take the doctor’s advice for treatment.  He too went to the Biomedical Center and was soon free of cancer.  He went back for follow up visits, but no cancer at all.

In the United States, it  has  happened  too  often  that parents are told they must submit their children to the intervention of doctors whether they like it or not. 

Jay Matthews is a pharmacist who had been practising for twenty years.  When his eight-year-old daughter Selena was diagnosed with cancer on her arm, the only treatment he knew was chemotherapy.  This was begun, but some time later, the family  looked  at  the  survival rates  and side effects of chemotherapy and began to pray for a better option.  They decided natural treatment was the best. This was begun and Selena slowly began to improve.  As Jay watched his daughter improve he decided to cancel the chemo treatment.

On the very day Jay cancelled the chemotherapy, the Child Protective Services (CPS) visited his home.  Selena’s father told them she was receiving natural treatment and was doing well.  They replied, ‘That treatment is not evidence-based medicine.’

The CPS did not return for some time and Selena continued to improve. 

Jay said, “I am not sure how much longer I can push the CPS away…  The CPS seems to still want us to seek conventional treatment.’

One day the CPS returned with their lawyers, and they insisted Selena accompany them to the hospital for the recommended treatment.  Jay refused to sign the consent form, and was told, ‘If you don’t sign consent, we’re going to take custody of the child.’   In the end, they took custody of Selena.

When  the  aggressive  chemotherapy  was  begun,  it became obvious with every dose, the cancer on her arm was getting bigger. Jay pled with the physician, but was told, ‘You are not the legal custodian.’  Every time he objected, men in white coats entered the room and lined the walls, even with armed guards among them.   

As the treatment continued, the cancer opened up, until it looked shocking.  Finally the hospital decided to amputate Salina’s arm.   The final cost was $2.2 million, which thankfully the insurance paid.   The Truth about Cancer p37.38.  ttps://

The only way we can avoid cancer is to change our lifestyle and eliminate those things that are known to be carcinogenic.


The very first on every list of carcinogens are processed  meats, bacon, hot dogs, pepperoni, salami, prosciutto, beef jerky, and any other meat cured by salting,  fermenting, curing, smoking,  or with chemical  preservatives. These are classified as ‘Group 1 carcinogens’, which means the evidence linked  to cancer is extremely strong. 

According to the American Cancer Society, 50 grams of processed meat eaten daily, which is four strips of bacon or one hot dog, “increases the risk of colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer.”

Salted fish (Chinese style) is a carcinogen, as well as burned or heavily barbecued foods, red meat,  including beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse and goat.  These are classified as ‘Group 1A carcinogens’.  

Even without the barbeque, red meat is considered carcinogenic.

When you consider the amount of chemicals given to animals for market, it is no wonder.   Growth  hormones (and/or steroids) are inserted behind the ear of cattle and sheep, and the hormone is released a small amount at a time. The ears are discarded during slaughter, but does that get rid of the chemicals?  

What does this do to the young teenager?   It more than likely brings on puberty far earlier.  It is also said to affect sperm count, and an unborn child.   

Animals are subjected to many other chemicals, such as drugs, cleaning chemicals, antibiotics, heavy metals, toxins, bacteria and  GM feed.  Chicken faeces and/or heavy metals are used in cow or chicken feed.  

Formaldehyde  is used  in the food sources of chicken and fish.  It is a carcinogen.  Plastic drink bottles will form formaldehyde in the water when left in the sun.   Soldiers in Iraq were given bottles of water that had been sitting in the sun for hours.  It is no wonder many came back sick, not to mention exposure to radioactive depleted uranium dust.

Meat in the supermarket is always bright red, as if it has just been slaughtered. The reason is because it is treated with carbon monoxide which  keeps  the  meat  looking  fresh.  You would not buy the meat if it looked brown or grey. 70% of packaged meat is treated with carbon monoxide.  (Pink salmon also)

It is colourless, odourless and invisible, and almost impossible to taste or smell, especially after cooking, but it is a poison.  It can keep the meat still looking as if it just arrived from the butcher for more than 20 days.  Older meat is re-packaged, and ‘prettied up’ with herbs and spices.  Does this hide something?  Think!  ‘USA Today’.

Cooking meat,  beef,  pork, fish or poultry at high temp-eratures, such as pan frying or grilling  over an open  flame,  produces  chemicals  which  have  been found to be carcinogenic.

Of course there is much more, but you can research it yourself. 

Drinking liquids that are too hot is a cancer threat to the oesophagus. Artificial sweeteners and ordinary sugar are carcinogens.  Microwave popcorn, soda pop, diet foods and beverages, refined white flour, pesticides on fruit, farmed salmon, hydrogenated oil, cigarettes, coffee, radiation and others have all been called carcinogens.. 

Heating oil is linked to cancer.  Virgin unrefined  coconut oil is said to be safe, as its constitution does not change with heating.  The fumes from other oils are toxic, not to mention the oil left on the food.  Coconut oil is a very controversial oil.   It is a saturated fat, which we have been taught to avoid.  However, proponents say it acts like an unsaturated fat and therefore healthy.

Good virgin olive is excellent in salads, but heating it is not recommended.  Canola is a cheap GM oil, and it is being placed in so many foods.  Read the labels.

Alcohol is classified as a ‘Group 1 carcinogen’, especially cancer of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, breast, liver, stomach and bowel.  It is similar to arsenic and asbestos.  “It is estimated that around 3,200 cancer cases in Australia are attributed to alcohol  consumption  each  year.”   Of  course  if  you smoke and drink, the risk is far higher.  

Or need we say, if you just smoke, the risk is high.  The Surgeon General’s warning is true, even if it is ignored by most smokers. Search carcinogenic foods.

Before moving on to another concern, we need  to talk about plastic. This is a big concern, not only because it is not biodegradable, but because it contains many chemicals, and each one will affect the health  in  some way.  Even those said to be safe, are not totally safe.  They may contain bisphenol-A (PBA) which is highly toxic and leaches out.  It is linked to cancer, obesity and other problems.

PBA has estrogenic activity, mimicking the hormone estrogen in the body.  It brings on puberty, reduces sperm counts, alters sex-specific behaviours, increases rates of some breast, ovarian, testicular and prostate cancers. 

Synthetic estrogen is a carcinogen.  Many women have taken HRT to help with hot flushes.  

* Anna’s Wild Yam cream is said to be an alternative to estrogen by health practitioners.  *  Testimonials in ‘Apple Cider Vinegar’ by Patricia Bragg say women have been helped with hot flushes by taking Bragg apple cider vinegar (with ‘mother’) added to honey and water three times a day. p131. 

Some containers are advertised as PBA-free, but what about all the other chemicals?  

Keeping food bought in certain plastic food containers can be a problem too. The manufacturers only intended them for one use, and we sometimes use them over and over  again.   One  of  the  chemicals  they contain  is antimony, which is a carcinogen.


* The glad wrap or aluminium foil covering food is said to be another problem, as chemicals can leach into the food.  Use glad wrap and foil to cover dishes of food, not to wrap the food.   * Hot food in plastic containers is a problem as  the chemical polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will leach out from the plastic. It is better to use glass.   * Plastic over food to be heated in a microwave is not recommended as polystyrene (styrofoam) leaches toxic chemicals into the food when heated in microwave. Personally I have found it difficult to find suitable glass containers. Bottles are easy as I just buy food in them.  Some organic food is in cardboard boxes.  It will be a learning experience to change as we are so used to plastic. * It has been suggested, “all PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles are bailed and shipped to China”.   If this is true, I wonder what they do with them??   

Agenda 2030 proposes, as one of its Sustainable Development Goals, the reduction of premature deaths   from  non-communicable  diseases,  including cancer by one-third within the next eleven years.   It sounds good, but can it happen?

It cannot happen unless the cause is removed.

If you do your own research and come to you own conclusions, there will be a motivation from within to make changes if they are necessary, and it will be easier.

Face creams and body lotions, shampoo and conditioners appear to be a problem, as some ingredients are carcinogens. style/these-are-the-poisonous-ingredients-hiding-in-your-skin-care-products.html/     Cleaning and dish-washing liquids might be problem too.

The site below says sunscreens could be causing cancer, rather than the sun.  We know the various chemicals found within sunscreens are toxic, and we know  that  our  skin  absorbs  whatever we put onto it, therefore we must think about sunscreens.